Whole Food Farmacy

Today I am on day 16 or what started out as a 13 day raw food liquid fast. I love the way I feel now. My stiffness is gone, I have bounce in my step, aches and pains are gone also. I am down 8lbs. When I am finished with this fast, I will go raw. Right now I am taking raw food preparation classes. This is based on a biblical diet sponscered by www.hallelujahacres.com.

I also recently became a distributor for Whole Food Farmacy and all their products are raw whole foods without any additves or preservatives. You can take these products anywhere. In November of last year, we went out of the country and I was so afraid I would not be able to eat healthy, that I bought these products to use as a suppliment. I did not even know what they tasted like. LOL To my delight, they were and are delicious. If you want more information on these products please visit my website;



  • Hi, welcome to Gone Raw! I will definitely keep that site in mind, there’s a lot of good stuff on there.

  • Whole food farmacy has some pretty awesome foods. Phi Plus is a personal favourite of mine. And of all the soups out there that I’ve ever had, their Creamy Yam is the best I’ve ever tasted. These guys know what they’re doing.

  • Thanks for saying some wonderful things about Whole Food Farmacy. I love their products, but my favorite soup is AmpliPhi Red Farina. Maybe it is not considered a soup, but since you mix it with hot water, it is soup to me. LOL

    I also love Veggilicous Spice. Even my granddaughters who hardly eat any veggies, love it!


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