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Need raw articles

thecavsmanthecavsman Raw Newbie

I know raw is relatively undocumented in terms of scholarly articles (not going to be in too many medical journals, I assume), but my sister in high school decided to do a paper on the effects of a raw diet. Does anyone have any newspaper articles, magazine articles, research articles – anything that could be considered at least someone reputable or scholarly. Not to say that any information I read about raw from personal websites and people selling products isn’t reputable – at least to me it is – but we are talking about a school project here so I’m going to have to help her put some “muscle” behind it.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated as I have to give her a few sources ASAP.



  • thecavsmanthecavsman Raw Newbie

    Anyone gonna help me?

    I posted in the middle of the day, so maybe some people didnt get to see it after work…I just want it to go front page again for one more try.

  • Here are some articles reference in “12 steps to raw food”, but you need access to scientific articles, which most folks don’t have… T. Colberb “Advanced Glycoxidation End Products in Commonly Consumed Foods” American Dietic Assoc. Journal 105(4)647 (april 2005) L. Link “Diseases associated with raw vs. cooked vegetables and cancer risk” Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Preview, 13(9)1422-35 (sep 2004)

    Maybe you could try doing a search on AGE’s (advanced glycoxidation end products), polycyclin aromatic hydrocarbons, or acrylimide in food.

    That’s all I got. I wish there was more info out there, but there’s very little funding for this type of research these days. peace.

  • I went to Google and typed in ‘Google Scholar’ – it brings you to a search engine for published articles. I typed in “raw food diet” and it came up with quite a few results (some anti-raw articles and some pro-raw articles). You would have to search the links to find something that pertains to what you would like.

    I would also recommend registering on foodnsport.com, Dr. Graham’s website. It’s free and once you are a member, you have access to all of the articles. Good luck

  • There are also articles here: http://www.living-foods.com/articles/

    Maybe within one of those articles there might be a reference to scientific papers.

  • btw – if your project turns out to be really convincing, please send me a copy so I can prove to my parents that my way of eating IS healthy. lol

  • thecavsmanthecavsman Raw Newbie

    I'm late getting back to you all on this...

    Thanks so much for the help as it'll help me/us going forward.

    And Kait I will remember you so that I can send it. I'm interested in finding out what we learn, too.

  • SuasoriaSuasoria Raw Newbie

    Yes, please share!

  • Gabriel has some good and convincing articles from a scientific perspective on his website- www.treeoflife,com

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