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heehee! i was doing a search for “fallbrook” which is the town in CA i currently live in. (moving to Dallas, TX in 40 days!!) wanted to see if there were any other folks here from brook-town. my own post popped up from last year. i’m responding to my post since it was lonely and un-noted.
wanted to add that i’m still a raw vegetarian foodie, still gatherin’ veggies (from local farmers), still juicin’, still tryin’ out new recipes…oh and still married. haha! and having The Best Day Ever!
Howdy neighbor… There are a few of us that live inland North County… :) I was wondering if you lived in the neighborhood since you mentioned you based a recipe on Cilantro Live.
Wow… moving to Dallas. I have been there a few times. Unfortunately, never met “THE’ cowboy of my dreams. :(
Hye Bluedolfin :) Isn’t Cilantro Live a great place? I’ve been to 2 of the 4 locations (Chula Vista and Carlsbad).
Yep, BigD…I’ve got family there. I’m looking forward to diving into the raw community there. has been a great networking site for upcoming events this summer in Dallas. It sad to see that Dallas has yet to get with it and have a raw food restuarant. There was a place called Pure that was there but is now gone. wipes a tear
Hey mrs.rev BT~ I love CL. I have been to the same locations as you! I have been to the CV location more. The one time I went to the Carlsbad location I had a bad reaction afterwards… :( I love their Rawviolis and the chocolate sundae is to live for!
Have you been to The Greenery in Encinitas? omshanti turned me onto it. It is a small place and the couple that run the place are really nice. The menu is smaller than CL’s… but yummy!
In Dallas, have you been to the stallion fountain on the way to the airport? Gorgeous if one is into horses. The cattle drive sculpture near the convention center is awesome also. Most of the time I have spent in Dallas has been “purpose” driven (business conferences) and I didn’t have lots of time to sightsee. I must say, DFW has THE LONGEST airplane taxiing that I have experienced. The first time I flew out of DFW I thought we were going on the freeway to take off… or just taxi all the way to SAN. LOL It takes a long time to get to the take off area. All the times I have been to Dallas the people have been so nice.
Blue- what kind of bad reactions did you have, if you dont mind me asking? and yes, the rawviolis ARE wonderful. i was thinking of making my own version tonight for dinner (funny you should mention that as i was just thinking about ingredients…do you have a good recipe?!) i love their tacos
i’ve never been to the stallion fountain, nor the cattle drive sculpture. we’ll have to check it out once there.
and yes, the airport is one of the biggest i’ve been to. LOLz
ooops, and no i’ve not heard of or tried The Greenery in Encinatas…but you bet i’m GONNA! thanks for the tip.
there used to be a small lil place called Kung Food in Hillcrest area of SD that had some good raw stuff. it’s gone, not sure what happened to it.
The reaction I had was bizare… I got a headache, by eyes were watery, nose was really runny, and lost all energy. It was really bad timing because I had a job interview that I had to explain what was going on with me and it was not usual for me to be that way. I went home and went to bed for a bit and it passed. Most likely it was an allergic reaction to something there but I have never had that type of reaction before… or since. Freaky…
Sorry, I don’t have a rawvioli recipe… I think CL’s are simply sliced plum tomatoes marinated with Italian goodies like basil, garlic, oregano, etc. and dehydrated. Simple, but yummy! Call CL and see if they might give you some directions… or maybe someone will see this and have a recipe for you.
I haven’t had CL’s tacos because I get stuck ordering either the rawviolis or the burger. Sometimes, I’m so predictable. lol
BTW, Melissa and Chris is the couple that owes/runs the Greenery. Say hi to them for me. I was just out there recently when Paul Nisson spoke.
I think your kids will like the sculptures alot. The sculptures are HUGE and bronze and the kids can play around the different animals (except for the ones that are in the fountain). Since you will be moving there, there will be plenty of time to go see them. :)
Kung Food is gone? Oh no!!! I haven’t been there for awhile. bummer…
i’m going to try to stop in there tomorrow. my husband will be excited to know that you suggested a new raw restaurant for us. thanks again. is your name Sharon? saw your profile and figured….wanted to make sure before i tell Melissa and Chris that “bluedolphin” says hello. lol.
ps: checkin out greenery’s website right now. yum :p
Way cool! I feel funny chatting on here when we are within a few miles of each other. lol
Yah… they probably would look at you kinda funny if you said hi from Bluedolfin. But then again, if they knew it was me they would understand. lol
i’ve sent you an email!
Check your email. lol
Hey hope you don’t mind that I’m jumping in on your nice chat, but I’m a local too – Oceanside! We just went to Fallbrook’s Annual Avocado Festival on the weekend and man oh man, was it crowded. Crazy. The Encinitas Street Faire is this weekend, so it’ll probably be a lot of the same vendors. Weather should be perfect though! I didn’t know about the Greenery, but will definitely check it out. Been to Cilantro Live only once – should’ve tried the tacos especially since I asked the server what the favorites were. Good luck in Dallas!
jsorensens2: yes, wasn’t the avo.fest INSANE? i went that day as well but vowed to never go again. dont ppl realize that most of the stuff seen at the avo.fest you can see/buy at the Oceanside street fair on Thurs. nights, and again at the Temecula farmers market on Saturdays. the crowd seriously gave me anxiety. never again. LOL i havent been to the encinitas street fair in awhile…also, Fallbrook has a very small one every Friday from 10-2.
Yes, the avo fest was INSANE and I have a wound to prove it. I got rammed by a lady in her motorized scooter! hehe.. she felt bad about it, but hey it was CROWDED and someone stopped fast in front of me so my ankle got rear ended. I’ll heal fast with all my healthy eating though. Take care!
jsorensens2 You are more than welcome to chat. This chat is open to everyone…
mrs.rev BT I forgot, the other thing I did when I got home during that weird reaction, I took some nutritional supplements that supported my system to right itself…
Anyone interested in meeting up at the Greenery sometime in the next few weeks? It would be great to get a group together…
Blue – I would love to meet at The Greenery sometime! It would have to be dinner for me since I work in Carmel Valley and couldn’t make it there for lunch. Maybe we could start another post for this invitation or is that more suited for a meetup group to do? Are you a member of a meetup? I’m not yet and was wondering what your experience is.
jsornsens2~ Way cool! No, I am not a memeber of meetup… yet… Maybe someone else in the area will post their experience with it. I saw there is one group that meets at Rancho’s Market in North Park. It is a hike for me… but if the company is fun, well worth it. :) Have you been to Rancho’s?
I started a thread for a get-together event at San Diego Meetup.
I think there’s an Encinitas Meetup group already formed. I won’t go further south than that for social things (most of the time) since I spend enough time in the car commuting every day and traffic is getting worse and worse. I’ll bet there are some terrific groups downtown, but I’ll bet the downtown people don’t want to come to North County! :-)