While I think 80/10/10 is a healthy diet full of abundance and wonderful unprocessed foods, I question if it really is a solution. Much of the third world survives on grain products and don't have the access to fruit that we do here in America. Even if we planted fruit trees everywhere they'd grow, would it be enough food to feed the 6.7 billion people on this plant? This question could also apply to any style of raw food eating. Is it enough to feed the planet?
I sometimes feel that the ability to live on a raw diet is a privilege, something that's inaccessible to much of the world's population.
Thoughts on this?
Justine, I can't get the link on your profile to work. I've clicked it, and also copied and pasted it, with no success.
Sorry, it's an outdated link. I updated it in my profile, and here's the new link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6361872964130308142
i hope kandace and ray won't mind, but i'd like to direct you to a couple of places that will maybe be very helpful in answering your 811 (80/10/10) questions
firstly.....http://www.vegsource.com/talk/raw/...doug graham answers questions himself on this site and there are many 811'ers with many years worth of experience...no need to register, just post
also , a great new internet community devoted to the high fruit/low fat lifestyle...http://arawconnection.ning.com/
i'm not suggesting leaving this community at goneraw...it happens to be one of the better of the 'general' raw forums/communities, i just feel that with the immense confusion and controversy that surrounds 811 it is better not to struggle in the dark when there are so many people out there thriving on it and waiting to help others succeed
good luck everyone
It's an interesting question - take bananas as a staple crop. The earth's population is about six billion. Let's say everyone eats five bananas a day, so our consumption is 30 billion bananas daily.
There aren't very many places on the planet where it's biologically appropriate to grow bananas. Areas in Latin America have already been deforested for banana plantations and these areas are poisoned with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Even assuming we can get everyone to grow organically, you're talking massive monoculture, which is not good for biodiversity. Then you have to transport bananas from growing regions to the rest of the world, which requires some kind of fuel.
So I don't think it would be feasible.
This page has some fascinating info on banana production