Orange Juice instead of lemon juice?

Good morning,

I was wondering if anyone has tried substituting orange juice for lemon juice in any recipes. I do not have any lemons but i have an orange, so you think kale would taste ok marinated in orange juice instead of lemon juice? Any idea would be lovely. Thank you!



  • Do you have ginger? I often make this: torn kale with julienned carrots and zucchini, ginger, garlic, a little curry, cumin and turmeric, shoyu and orange juice and zest. I make a big thing of it and eat it throughout the week as is and put it in rolls. There is also a recipe on here called "Apple-Kale soup" that calls for oranges as a base. Just remember that if a recipe calls for lemons it may be for the sour acidity and oranges are sweeter and might not always work. Good luck!

  • SuasoriaSuasoria Raw Newbie

    If it's an Asian(ish) recipe, orange is a great substitute. For what you're making it sounds lovely.

  • I tried orange instead of lemon...worked beautifully..I think that lemon juice dcreases the bitter taste more of the kale, but the bitterness wasnt over powering with the orange juice...I also massaged some avocado, braggs, and kelp noodles with it. Oh man so delicious...I have been making some crazy good concoctions in my dorm room lately!

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