cleansing the body

Once my soccer season is over, which is in about 12 days, i want to do a master cleanse or something like that. I'm not exactly sure how to do it, what to eat, drink ,or if i fast. My last fast didnt go too well... Any ideas on what kind of cleanse i should do and how i should carry it out. I'm doing research online but I'd like to know what worked for you guys. I Need advice =] it'll be well appreciated


  • SuasoriaSuasoria Raw Newbie

    Bump - but you might get more responses if you move this to the Health page or the New to Raw page. This one is mostly about food preparation/meals.

    Also try doing a search for "cleanse." There is currently a thread on the New to Raw page with some comments on the master cleanse.

  • If you haven't done fasting before, I'd recommend a juice fast (or even a "juice until dinner" fast, like Natalia Rose suggests in "The Raw Food Detox Diet"). The experience of a severely nutrient-deficient fast (like the Master Cleanse or a water fast) will be a lot more intense and probably unpleasant if your body hasn't had some experience before with solid-food-deprivation, because a juice fast still provides a lot of easily-assimilated nutrients.

    A first fast can feel excruciating to some people (shakiness, headaches, weakness, etc.) -- others seem to deal with it pretty fine. But be forgiving of yourself -- don't run yourself hard and feel disappointed with yourself if you can't do a long fast at first. It really depends on your metabolism and individual adjustment. I know some people who needed to start with a three-day juice fast, then a five-day, then a seven-day. Yet everybody says it gets easier each time you do it!

    So get a good juicer and research, research, research....

    I'm sure there are other good books out there, but these were my guidebooks:

    -- Steve Meyerowitz's "Juice Fasting" (the title is a little longer than that) -- This book is a really good place to start by understanding how much you should be drinking and what to expect

    -- Paavo Airola's "How To Stay Slim, Healthy, and Young with Juice Fasting"

    On the Master Cleanse, do read this report -- it gives detailed instructions but also a lot of information, which appears to be well-researched, on the MC's origins:

  • troublesjustabubbletroublesjustabubble Raw Newbie

    Yes I agree with Karina, definitely don't do the MC over a fresh juice fast. It's very affective. I majorly detox on the third night so watch out for that. It can be extreme.

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