Rancid Pine Nuts

How can you tell once pine nuts have gone rancid??? I know they are supposed to ba an all white color, but lately when I'm at stores, and when I have purchased pine nuts in the past, I have started to noticed sometimes there is a black tip on the nut followed by a small black ring around the top. Does this mean the nut has turned rancid?? I threw out an entire bag of pine nuts because most looked like that and were mixed in with the all white ones and I just tossed them all to be safe. Thanks!


  • pixxpixx Raw Master

    I am not sure. I've heard folks talk about the smell of rancid nuts, but I have congenital anosmia, so I haven't a clue on that (I can't smell). I have noticed lately the pine nuts at Trader Joe's (my only local source for them) have been more yellow, and almost oily looking, more like a roasted nut. Previously they have been white, and non-oily looking. So I haven't been buying them since, on assumptions they are rancid. I would love to have an answer to this question myself!

  • pixxpixx Raw Master

    Does anybody know?

  • SuasoriaSuasoria Raw Newbie

    I cannot tell by sight if something is rancid, but I've never seen pine nuts turn black. That could also be mold.

    Rancidity is one of those smells/tastes that you "just know" - like metallic tastes or other odd ones. It's hard to describe.

    Most of the time pine nuts should be kept in the fridge/freezer unless you use them quickly.

  • pixxpixx Raw Master

    Yeah, I do keep nuts in the fridge, but unfortunately some (most?) places they are sold, do not. I wish they would!

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