Hello, I'm new to the raw lifestyle, but have been vegan for almost 2 years. I went raw about 2 weeks ago, just because I was feeling tired all the time and felt like I needed to switch up my diet a bit, but of course still be vegan. Since I've gone raw I had a few rough low energy days, but generally my energy has been better, but my skin is breaking out worse than I've ever experienced before but still not terrible or anything, and I find I'm more bloated than usual. I've struggled with bloating for ages now, and I know it's probably just my body getting used to the raw veggies, but it's still uncomfortable. I'm not sure why my skin is so bad though, I drink lots of water and exercise everyday, and I'm not very stressed (at least I don't think I am)...maybe I'm detoxing? Anyways haha if anyone has any advice, or went through similar things while transitioning please let me know:)
Welcome to the community!
IsabelleEast I too had lots of bloating and proper food combining is key. I have added links below to a couple books that really helped me.