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  • Raw Foods and Pain...

    I have been on a raw vegan diet for one week and have already noticed reduced stiffness in my joints. Prior to this week, I have been a vegan for 15 months eating fruits and veggies, but I also included a lot of processed foods, alcohol, and caffeine in my diet. I would do yoga regularly with very little benefit and I would literally spends hours daily trying to free my body up to no avail.

    Now with the raw foods only, it's like the tension in my body is slowly diminishing even without much stretching. A rash by my ankle is now healing after being there for a couple of months while the anti-fungal cream was ineffective. I'm really excited imagining where I will be in a month from now. I love to go jogging but my joint discomfort had made it a miserable experience. Now I feel Ill be motoring along again at a good pace without extreme stiffness or any stiffness at all I imagine.

    I've been eating a lot of fruit everyday including bananas, mangos, papaya, dates, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, peaches, and kiwi - high sugar content! I've also been eating two large salads each day with a sprinkling of raw sunflower seeds and a homemade raw vegan salad dressing. I snack on raw almonds and raw peanuts (although I've heard some say peanuts are a no-no) which me feel satiated. 

    So needless to say go for it!!! I realize we're all different and results may vary, however from my perspective it's working marvelously. Good luck to you.
