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  • Sick when eating cooked food

    Yes, it does seem like a struggle to keep eating raw foods and limit cooked foods. I find that we need to set goals. Like, when I was on my juice fast, I did not have cravings for food because I made my mind up that I was not going to eat.

    At like my third day of breaking my 30 day fast, I thought that because my stomach had handled fruit, raisins and carrot soup so well, that I could introduce some oatmeal. It was the steamed rolled oats. I had half a cup of oats soaked in water until soft mixed with a couple bananas and a lot of cinnamon and molasses on it. Then after two hours or so, I had another bowl JUST like it. AND, I FELT TERRIBLE THAT NIGHT. Bloated, lots of gas, indigestion. I also hated and still do, the feeling of being full/ stuffed. This happens mainly when I eat cooked food but too much raw food can also be very filling. Well, that night, I was so bloated it was unreal. I woke up in the middle of the night and burped up most of the air that was in my stomach. THERE WAS A LOT OF IT. it is also very hazardous to our health to be so bloated. Furthermore, being full all the time stretches the stomach. I think that I will go on another fast soon but not until I have the money for some nutritional supplements like bee pollen and wheatgrass and such. I need to get to the health food store soon.

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