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  • ok…you all know I’m a fan of 811….but when I was watching Survivor last season, the one girl said ‘man I am SOOOO sick of eating coconuts. That’s all we have everyday’. Which leads me to think, coconuts are readily available fats….assuming we are li…
    in fats? Comment by Bananna1333
  • Wow….way to critically think…I will have to critically think on this for awhile….lol.
  • Well that is pretty trim…but I do agree that the current ‘ideal’ weight is heavier than the truly ideal….these days a little chub is normal, if you have that marathoners physique, people don’t like it. ....but you could actually be getting too thin,…
    in Weight.. Comment by Bananna1333
  • Really there are stainless ones? That sounds worth looking into….as you may know, the Excalibur uses teflex sheets, which is code for teflon, which is a known toxin. Just checked it out…http://www.fernsnutrition.com/ss_dehydrator.html Their shelves …
  • amysue – Barrie is bigger and therefore a better resource, but if he doesn’t want to mess around trying to find everything in one place, which I find hard, what I am doing is going to one particular health food store that carries quite a lot, and or…
    in Raw Moms Comment by Bananna1333
  • Hi Littlebirdie! I remember seeing you over on the 811 thread, where I lurked a bit…and thanking Harley once, I was posting there at the end quite a bit. Anyways…amysue! Ofcourse I know Orillia! My first born was born there! I am a little south from…
    in Raw Moms Comment by Bananna1333
  • Hi guys! Thought I’d say a quick hello too…I love all this talk about homeschooling, I used to homeschool for 5 years, but they decided one year that they wanted to try school….so being of an unschooling spirit, I decided they could be free to choos…
    in Raw Moms Comment by Bananna1333
  • ok…I’ve been walking that thin line and am ready to dive into the land of the fringe for a full week. Upon reflection, I guess I will have to start tomorrow, since I’ve already ate today and need to go stock up. I was doing SO well, but then ran out…
  • Wow Morn…you are doing really well! Yes, ofcourse the time of day, can make a pound of difference…lol. As for this website, yes, sometimes it’s all fine, but often it won’t even let you in! As for your potluck event, the book says to go ahead and ea…
  • Morn! Nice to see you over here from RFT….that is interesting. I too, felt the need to expand beyond the confines, lol. I still like it over there too though. I am doing their 30 day all raw challenge right now, with an 811 slant. I am not sure if m…
  • Try and simplify the process by eating fruit or drinking smoothies as much as possible. Very cleansing, very energizing, and most importantly very simple. Always have bananas on hand in varying degrees of ripeness. Then make a recipe for supper, and…
    in FAD to Raw Comment by Bananna1333
  • that’s an excellent suggestion bitt ;) Whenever I am craving something SAD, IF I choose to eat a banana first and then decide what I’m going to do with the craving, there is never any craving after the banana to even deal with.
  • There is a thread just running on this subject… http://goneraw.com/forums/2/topics/6883
  • I have heard of other downsides to organics…one of which is that they will often use heavy metals to deter bugs instead.
  • http://www.blendtec.com/resources.aspx ...talks about BPA in their carafes. They do contain it, and defend it.
  • greenie – you are so right…is this warning carafe glass by chance? I trust glass….so long as it’s not shards that is ;)
  • ...exactly what I was afraid of browne911 …bleh, I might find out if they are switching that over, before I buy a vitamix, I was leaning heavily towards blendtec.
  • What kind of carafe does the blendtec have? ....I know the vitamix uses a new one now that doesn’t have that…BPA? chemical in it?
  • I only fast when I am sick, sleeping or busy. I hate fasting. I have post traumatic stress disorder from too much fasting….lol. It SUCKS! ...but that’s just my opinion ;)
  • Much better….but still not perfect. I agree, best raw website.
    in S-L-O-W Comment by Bananna1333
  • Mmmm ginger too….it makes me wonder if I love all these foods so much, do I have an access of cancer cells to fight? lol…well not so funny if true I guess ;)
  • It’s short for The 80/10/10 diet. Meaning 80% of your diet from carbs, 10 from protein and 10 from fat. It’s the low fat raw vegan regime. It also includes other lifestyle items, like adequate sleep, sunshine and exercise… It’s a good read, I buy ab…
  • ok, well just for the record, I don’t eat weight watcher meals ever, and I rarely go on their forums, and when I do, I don’t hear about how great their meals are, they mostly talk about completely irrelevant things that have Nothing to do with food.…
  • Why can’t you do weight watchers on raw? I am…although I am not All raw yet. You could totally do WW in sync with raw. WW can be done in tandem with really any other diet. I’m doing it online. I have binging problems too, it’s been working for me gr…
  • I don’t think I could be happily raw with out them. :)
    in AVOCADOS Comment by Bananna1333
  • Well what are you eating exactly? ...especially aside from fruits and veggies.
  • well supposedly it activates enzymes that lie dormant…but I have my doubts as they never do end up sprouting into anything….and they taste different, better. ...although I’m no expert, that’s my understanding.
  • I’ve heard it’s the greens specifically….but that’s just a rumour.
  • ...enjoyed the read…thank you!
  • Hey thanks for the reply! 12 is reasonable I guess, but still, a smart 12! Oh how I miss homeschooling! I homeschooled my kids for 5 years. Then they took a notion to try out a public school, so right now they are actually unschooling a school exper…
    in RawKidChef Comment by Bananna1333