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  • The research I have done on kombucha tea shows that it does wonders for this, even for SAD eaters. You may can find it in health food stores (get the real bottled unpasteurized kind). I am going to get a scoby which is the fungi thing and brew my ow…
  • HI, I thought maybe I could be of some help on this issue because I have conquered diabetes on raw (doctor confirmed). I would suggest you not eat more than two pieces of fruit a day. I eat a banana in the morning and maybe an apple or something in …
  • It never ceases to amaze me to see what is going on in society. A little over 500 people got sick in this outbreak yet people I know personally are dying everyday of cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc, which are all diet related diseases. How many …
  • Yes Zoe, I have found that to be so true for me too. I just started eating raw food and my body naturally de-toxed and started healing itself. My thinking is if you try to make it too hard on yourself you will soon tire of all the rules and restrict…
  • I love the wonderful recipes on goneraw and I also love that most all people here are very tolerant of others backgrounds and views. When people don’t agree they try to keep those disagreements civil. I do appreciate that.
    in I love you guys Comment by rosehebrew
  • Ya angie I am with you on that. I eat raw cauliflower and radishes all the time and I don’t plan on giving up. I want freedom in my raw diet, not paronoia about every veggie that I eat.
  • I am aware of the food combining thing and just try to be a little mindful of it. I don
  • Does anybody know of a natural source of of food that has a lot of B17? Thanks Rosemary
  • Welcome Kevlar, I too am a Ron Paul supporter. I hope that your raw food journey is a successful one. There is a lot of conflicting info out there and I urge you to eat as close to 100% raw as you can but listen to your body. If you are really hungr…
    in Hey there Comment by rosehebrew
  • I found that eating plenty of the right food was helpful in staying raw. When I was hungry I ate. People are amazed at the size of the raw veggies salads I make for myself. I had to sort of rid myself of this phobia of food you get when you are eati…
    in Sage Advice Comment by rosehebrew
  • Thanks for the info. I get very weary of reading on all raw sites, how toxic all of the individual fruits and veggies are. It is nice to know that “something” that I am eating is not going to kill me soon! Wow, I just read that tomatoes and broccoli…
  • I personaly love stevia and I believe that it keeps me off of SAD. I don’t consider myself 100% raw although I am close. I am not trying to “be” anything anyway. I just want to stay healthy and I try to look at the big picture. As for as the sticky …
  • I know that you all went over some of the things that may be toxic in the raw state but I did not see lima beans mentioned. Also raw spinach can have a toxic effect in large amounts. Maybe you would not want to eliminate it but it may be wise to use…
  • Just thought I would add to this that I started using the almond and started breaking out in hives. I could not track it down because I eat almonds all the time with no problems. This went on for over three weeks until I finally figured it out. Wow,…
    in Dr. Bronners Comment by rosehebrew
  • I had type 2 diabetes but after 5 months raw it was gone. I learned that after finally getting up the courage to go back and see my doctor. I also no longer had high blood pressure and had lost 35 pounds. I can now eat fruit and even dates in modera…
  • At first I ate very little. For months it would be just around eight hundred calories a day. Then I had a morning where I ate five bananas. It sort of scared me a little but that too evened out. Now I eat around a thousand to fifteen hundred a day. …
  • I think there will always be another ”disorder” cropping up to let those who follow them feel good about what they want to do and not be threatened by “extremists”. I will not read that survey because I don’t need that stuff dumped on me. To me, eat…
  • Lyceia, I in no way can judge your situation but when I first went raw it was very hard as I had many people scorn me and did not want to even get my food. I knew in my heart that the Lord had led me in that direction so I pressed foreward and He he…
  • I live in far northern central California. It is pretty isolated, a small town up in the foothills by Chico. The health food co-op in Chico does stock a few raw items and there is a fantastic raw restaurant in Chico, also where I live one of the gro…
  • People at my church just think that I am cracked (really though I am just juiced) HA HA. I don’t even try to talk to people about things they cannot accept and that is OK. I feel that if my family cannot even accept it very few other people are goin…
  • Hi simplyorganic, I would just like to throw in a caution in to you. I would be careful about aligning yourself with the new age type belief people if you have not been a believer for a long time and also if you have not got very good grounding in t…
  • It does my heart glad to see so many Christians on this site. When I went raw from SAD overnight six months ago everybody thought that I had lost it. When I no longer had diabetes, high blood pressure, lost forty-five pounds after five months and st…
  • Sanprecario, that was a great post, thanks. I feel a responsibility too when I buy food. For instance, that is why I do not buy even raw cashews. For some reason I am very skeptical about them being raw and if they are raw the poor people that have …
  • Hi girman8, In Genesis 3:18 the word pair for the phrase,
  • Hi, I am glad to know there are so many other Christians on the board. I have been raw for about six months and have had healing for diabetes, high blood pressure and have lost over 45 pounds. It was interesting that I did not know a thing about raw…