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  • we have two composters in the backyard for the lawn and plants, and we do not put fats or animal products in it. however, our city has a composting program. garbage gets picked up every two weeks, and composting and recycling every week. we can put …
    in composting Comment by lalala
  • Lily: if i don’t go to class for more than a day or two i can feel the stress creeping on and i start to get a little nasty, so that motivates me to go back. i try to remember how great you feel when you’re done, and remember that yoga is about doin…
    in Bikram's HOT yoga Comment by lalala
  • i went to class last night and felt such joy at being there. today most of my sore muscles have cleared up. i am feeling great and am excited to meet the second half of the month! i find the ashatanga classes to be easier on my body sometimes becaus…
    in Bikram's HOT yoga Comment by lalala
  • i’m on day 14 of a 30 day challenge and am doing bikram about 4 of the 7 days a week. the other days i am doing ashtanga and yin. my body feels completely broken but i am one of those people who has to finish what they start. looking forward to the …
    in Bikram's HOT yoga Comment by lalala
  • i find standing bow pose to be so challenging….it comes so close to the end of the standing series that i’m often dogged tired at the point and have to do everything in my power to stay in it for the full time. i love eagle though, and tree (yes, i’…
    in Bikram's HOT yoga Comment by lalala
  • i do hot yoga (again not the exact bikram series) 2-3 times per week and ashtanga yoga 2-3 times per week. i find i do get nauseous and tired quite quickly if i’m not well fed and properly hydrated. morning classes are harder for me because i eat ve…
    in Bikram's HOT yoga Comment by lalala
  • my boyfriend never has cravings the way i do! he’ll want something, then he will simply chose whether to eat it or not! the novelty… when i want something, it’s like a zombie on a rampage. i will eat everything in my path and still not find what i’m…
  • i was having trouble too until i hit on a recipe that makes me feel great. now i have a mango, a hunk of pineapple, spinach and about half an inch of grated ginger (i swear that makes it easier on the tummy) blended with water and a little ice. i’ve…
  • i also haven’t had problems with mixing. i had cookies and kelp noodles with peanut sauce in there at the same time and my cookies are perfect. i have more of an issue with my family yelling at me when the whole house smells like vinegar!
    in ummm quick question Comment by lalala
  • Thanks Veggilicious for letting me know! i think i got that idea from the Kevin Smith movie…was it Clerks 2? I think so….but it revolted me forever more. I have made poached eggs at home and they never look so pretty so i was easily persuaded that i…
    in Weight watchers ad Comment by lalala
  • i’ve also recently seen mcdonalds adds with fruit and veggies and pieces of meat…they are trying to allude that their food comes from there and not a plastic factory. the egg mcmuffin one had someone cracking a real egg into a mold and poaching it….…
    in Weight watchers ad Comment by lalala
  • i was planning on putting the spices on afterwards, but didn’t want to use all that vinegar to marinade. i will likely put some olive oil, sea salt and herbs on when i finally dehydrate them. i have so many recipes to try i haven’t gotten around to …
  • so the potatoes don’t need to be soaked first in vinegar? yay!
  • on this topic, how long does nut milk last? i have been having stomach issues and i’m wondering if it’s from my week old nut milk…
  • i can usually tolerate sprouted quinoa very well, and use sprouted buckwheat often in dehydrated pizza crusts and the like. i’m gluten intolerant though, so i haven’t tried anything else.
  • i’m finding it rough going. i would have no problem with my smoking if i didn’t eat and get less accomplished when i smoked. it’s the eating mainly…never quite as raw as i would like, never feel wonderful in the morning. i go back and forth a little…
  • MOTH: i am going through exactly this right now, but i think you’re a little ahead of me. i am still struggling with the idea of giving it up since it has because such a habit. i’m trying to fight through it because the raw food and commitment to my…
  • EnjoyRaw – i love my round dehydrator. the only drawback i’ve found is funny shaped food.
  • i have the hamilton beach wide mouth pro. it cost me about $80 CDN and it’s holding up quite well to my frequent juicing and takes very little time to clean. for the money i had at the time, i would buy it again in a second!
  • i ordered a case online from sea tangle. oh my…amazing!
  • i love perrier taste-wise and do sneak some sometimes because it makes me feel full and kills any pop cravings. i worry though, about the carbon dioxide injected into it and the bottling methods. the glass ones are definitely better.
  • high raw for about 3 months, dabbled with it for a few months beforehand. definitely still learning, and my family still makes fun of me.
  • i have fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue/ibs and i’ve been fighting with my diet to sort it out for quite some time. on raw food, i have less stomach issues, less pain and more energy. however, as you likely know, sometimes you feel like crap for absolut…
  • i always find it a waste to paint my fingernails because the polish peels off in the kitchen, typing, etc. my toe nails though are a different story. for some reason when i’m in a yoga class i love looking down at my feet and seeing a pretty, cheery…
    in Pedicures! Comment by lalala
  • i tried to eat the cereal again and did have some digestive upset. anyone else who gets it, please let me know if you have any issues with it. it tastes so good, i want to keep eating it! i’d like to believe it could be something else i’m eating or …
  • enjoyraw: the cereal definitely wasn’t crunchy. it turned into a kind of porridge in liquid, which is what the package says to do. oddly enough, about an hour after posting this, i had to go home with terrible stomach problems. i was feeling off thi…
  • it was $6 for the bag and the serving is 2 Tbsp, so i would assume it would last a while. i’d probably have 2 servings as a meal though. I’ve heard great things about chia seeds too and the nutritional value.
  • i put it in a leaktight container with the milk when i left the house and when i was ready to eat it an hour or so later it was soaked in and thick. i wish i had brought more!
  • Izhpt – does your mini schnauzer test your patience too? they are definitely a dog with character if i’ve ever seen one, but i’ve never met a dog so loyal and loving either.
  • i had to get in on this one. the little critter in my avatar is oreo cookie, a black and silver miniature schnauzer who gets away with hell by being the cutest thing we have ever seen. he’s 1.5 years old now, and will eat anything in site, paper, pl…