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  • hey all so it turns out i didn’t just get a side stitch but i actually pulled a muscle in my side. probably from not listening to my body and trying to ‘push through’ my stitch. Darn. So this morning i only ran 2.5 miles—wasn’t TOO painful but didn’…
  • Oh, and bitt-don’t read too much right now, that’s my advice. Focus on being raw, focus on your body. Eventually you will be able to hear what YOUR body needs. I tried to follow 811 and wasn’t 100% succesfull, but when I got out of the “i must follo…
  • Okay, I am back. Here’s the thing—i think we have to be DEDICATED to raw, but not obsessed with it. we have to live our lives. Not every thing that goes wrong is caused by eating the wrong thing. Sometimes our bodies just need to adjust, I think, to…
  • Okay ladies—enough of our pity party. I am feeling SO much better right now. Okay, so i had an off day yesterday. The heat isn’t helping. Be happy.. okay, that was a pathetic attempt at inspiration but I have more to say, esp to you bitt, but right …
  • amysue-i am feeling fuzzy too-i think it’s the heat and humidity. On my run today, i got a really bad runner’s cramp in my side—basically was unable to run. I was either dehydrated or breathing wrong or something. Really bummed me out alot. but i f…
  • Hi all! Have to update my blog with yesterday’s info, but today I ran my 4 mile race in 38:30!! that’s a personal best and MUCH faster than my goal of 46 minutes!!! I am so happy, felt great during the run, and feel great hours later. I didn’t get t…
  • Hi Trouble! Glad you’re joining us! you can also join rawfu, if you’re interested in a raw 100 day challenge starting aug 1: http://www.rawfu.com/ I will be doing it, although i may be shooting for high raw as opposed to 100%. My high raw is still a…
  • You’ll be okay—eat LOTS of bananas!!! That’s always what my DH does when he travels. Do we’re on to day 9 everyone!!!! I just ran a very fast 2.5 miles and I am bushed. I shoulud have had my smoothie the minute I returned from the run but I didn’t …
  • woohoo day 8!!!  
  • make the corn and cashew soup (if you can handle nuts) I posted. It’s YUMMY!
  • absolutely, bananna—join in :) rawfu is having a 100 day challenge starting aug 1, so you can continue on there if you like!!!
  • Hmmm angie-I do have cacao-not a lot, and none today, and I do indeed use Navitas Naturals! When I run out I will try Sunfood—thank you for the tip. Today was rough-I got my period, and i was so crabby and awful. My pms is usually less intense, but…
  • bitt you’re killing me with the cobblers!!! YUM. I am also trying to cut back on nuts, but can’t resist the cobbler. How’s everyone doing?? We’re almost done with week 1, and I have to say I feel great. I am running strong, despite PMS (the bloatin…
  • Hi Angie! I got all the ingredients to make the cherry cobbler too! I hope to make it tomorrow. Today was good. I went to a party for one of my son’s friends, and she’s high raw (the mom) so there were lots of options. I am craving a huge salad for…
  • Hey raw foodies: how did everyone’s day go? I posted about my day on my blog. Not my best day yet, but I am sticking with it!! http://doingtherawthing.blogspot.com/
  • hey all-sounds like everyone is doing great!! Hi Spirit! Glad you’re joining us!!!! Today I did well—I made the Orange Cardamom Date Bars AND the corn and cashew soup from Food and WIne (ani’s article). Going to have that for dinner YUM.
  • So we’re on to day 3 everonye!!! (well, some of you are on a different day, but that’s cool!) How’s everyone doing?? Yesterday was a little rough for me. Still stayed raw, but it was hard! I posted about it on the blog. BAsically, didn’t plan ahead,…
  • I changed comment moderation so ANYONE can post on the blog. Just posted my Day 2 experience—will probably post more once the boys go to bed!
  • lisa-that’s very inspiring! I have brendan’s book too-I really like it—but haven’t tried his raw bars yet.
  • of course little birdie—come on in!! visit the blog and say hi. bitt: isn’t the fat article interesting? anyway, I definitely ate more veggie fat than i wanted yesterday, but the article makes me feel better! Did you post your raw cobbler?
  • Just posted my day 1 experience: http://doingtherawthing.blogspot.com come over and post yours!
  • today is day 1!! anyone else joining in?
  • have lots of bananas with you—i never leave home without 3 or 4!
  • so are you ladies psyched? I am! and a whole foods is opening tomorrow right near my house—i thought it wouldn’t be open for ages….it’s a SIGN :)
  • what’s the recipe?? sounds delish! Okay, one more day til the challenge begins! my main challenges will be to 1. sleep enough (whenever i sleep poorly i want tea!) 2. not put myself in stressful situations. Can everyone share what they think their m…
  • yea bitt-so glad you’re in. It will be so wonderful to have all the support here in one spot. We can do it!!!!
  • lzhpt—I am glad you’re in!! And amysue, I hope you come by the challenge and post how things are going. I am SO up for this. I ate some of my boys’ quinoa and tofu tonight—really just a bite, and my stomach feels all weird and bloated. So i am ready…
  • Thank you for sharing! I was away last week at my mom’s, without my blendtec, and I ate some cooked food, mostly quinoa, a bit of manna bread…but my mom requested I make our family favorite chocolate cookie cream icebox cake…AAAAH if you’ve never ha…
  • So….my no poo experiment is over. DH returned after a 10 day trip abroad, and he got into bed next to me and said “what’s that smell??” And I was like, “I don’t know”. ANd he leaned into me, wrinkled up his nose and said “It’s your hair!!! Why does …
  • queenfluff—i have hair that is about an inch above my shoulders. I want to grow it out LONG so i am hoping no ‘poo will make my hair healthier and grow faster :) Tomorrow will be day 7 of no poo, and it’s not bad, although it definitely feels “heavy…