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  • Hi, I am RAW at 90% and I would have to choose option 9. Here is my answer. Switching from a traditional SAD diet to a RAW is no simple task, let
  • Hi, I have been using food combining rules for about 3 years now. I have been following a table created by one of the leading Italian naturopath (also a family friend) and author. Unfortunately his books are not translated in English. I have this ta…
  • As far as I know the overall health of your mouth is related directly to your digestive system/process. In fact we could say that the digestive process starts right in your mouth, chewing food, salivating etc. Few years ago I used to have a not so g…
  • Thank you all for your nice comments, seems like we all are experiencing similar issues. bitt: To be honest I haven’t investigated the issue. I would not be surprised to find out that even up here in Canada we have a similar burocratic issue regardi…
  • I know, we really don’t have the “right” to complain too much in North America, when I look at fuel prices in Europe sometimes I wonder how they cope with it. I know one thing for sure, today I am going to shop for a good bike, I have been contempla…
  • Forgot to mention that I eat organic whenever possible and unfortunately there aren’t many grocery stores or local markets offering organic produce.
  • Angie, I have read like many of us many books about nutrition, natural living etc….personally I truly feel that I have struck gold when I read a book by Manuel Lazaeta Acharan, one of the pioneers of Natural Medicine. The book introduced me to natur…
  • I was recently reading an article on www.naturalnews.com and was talking about a test done on rats. One group of rats were fed SAD diet and the other community raw foods. The results showed that the SAD group were very aggressive to the point were o…
  • I have been following carefully food combining rules for almost 3 years now and I just could not go back to eat the way I was doing before. I noticed a huge difference in my digestive process as now it is digesting everything effortlessly thus avoid…
  • Carnap: "How do I know if my fillings are leaking?" If you have a metallic taste in your mouth it is highly possible that the cause is mercury leaking, but even if someone does not taste anything particular there is always the possibility that a sma…
  • 8 months after being exposed to mercury during the removal of mercury fillings (5 silver fillings) I can say that I am finally relatively free of toxins. What a painful journey though, I swear it was one of the most painful experiences in my life, I…
  • Thanks germin8 and Malene Trut, I will follow your advice and get some chlorella. Hope to get rid of these toxins asap as it is making me nervous and have trouble sleeping at night sometimes.
  • Looks like cilantro is the right way to go, I am going right now to pick up some at the natural store and prepare a great salad tonight!...thanks, really appreciated your comments. melaverde/greenapple
  • Hi, I have had eczema problems in the past. According to books that I have read and that I believe as I have noticed huge improvements, all skin “diseases” are reflecting in reality an internal issue. I believe as others in the post that it is affec…
    in Healing psorasis Comment by melaverde
  • Hi, I was a smoker and decided to quit about four years ago. I don’t believe in magic solutions for quitting, and I would strongly recommend not to use pharma products. I was a pack a day smoker and at one point something clicked in my head and quit…
    in Help my health! Comment by melaverde
  • Hi, I have done in the past some “water only” fasting, for a coupple of months I used to fast 24hr on new moon and full moon (equals to 2-24hr fasts a month). I have also done “plenty” of semi-fasting only apples for up to 1 week. I still have few h…
  • Not surprised at all, I know that a healthy colon and a “clean” digestive system improves and may resolve eye issues. My mother about a year ago experienced an issue with a cataract, after consulting with a doctor (a specialist) she was told that it…
  • to Malene: The detox process may vary depending on the extent of the intoxication of the individual. bitt said correctly by saying that it could last years in some cases. Also intoxication is not only created by cooked/processed or other foods exclu…
  • I have had skin rushes/eruptions as well when I began the RAW diet. It is detox as all of you know. Skin is one of the “organs” of elimination even if we are not used to see it that way. Those “crisis” are often cyclical so you may experience a sudd…
  • Hi Kayo, This is a symptom of detox, your body is detoxing thanks to your raw diet. I have had all my life similar issues with exzema and “cured” it with a raw/vegetarian diet. (occasionally reappears if I get intoxicated). The best way to cure it i…
    in EZCEMA help! Comment by melaverde
  • Best of luck to you in your marathon and your journey to a better lifestyle. I am a runner too, although I was training for a marathon a coupple of years ago I had to leave that “dream” behind as a result of an injury, I am now back and training a l…
    in raw runner Comment by melaverde
  • The color, shape, and characteristics of the iris reflects the state of our physical and emotional health. As a result it is entirely possible that a change in diet will affect the chromatic characteristics of the iris. Those interested could read o…
  • Hi, I am new to this site, I am from Montreal, Canada. :-) 15h00 in Montreal when it is 12h00 PST
  • Bananna – I liked the video too and this guy is truly inspirational and a great motivator.
    in The Protein Myth Comment by melaverde
  • I watched this video few days ago which relates to protein. Here is Tim Van Orden view on protein. protein myth
    in The Protein Myth Comment by melaverde
  • Hi everyone, I am from Montreal Canada and I have been vegetarian for few years and gone raw (90%) few months ago. In addition to this I also follow strictly food combining principles which I found really important. I recently “discovered” this site…
    in Hello, Everyone! Comment by melaverde