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  • I always sub dates with apricots and prunes! Dates are just wayyyy too dense and sweet for me. The change does alter the taste in most cases, but it’s not a big deal. Sometimes I add a little stevia into the mix to make up for the loss of sugar in t…
  • Thanks! I was just reading about maca and iodine. Good thing I also have some spirulina on hand.I LOVE it in tomato soup. I might make a maca pudding this week. Expect a recipe posted if it turns out well!
    in MACA.... Comment by kathrynintheraw
  • I have problems with estrogen production (i.e. My body won’t do it), and I’m going to start taking maca to see if I can’t do something about this (after a year of clueless doctors lol). How do you take your maca? I’m not a big fan of it in smoothies…
    in MACA.... Comment by kathrynintheraw
  • My general rule is that anything with oils go in the refrigerator/freezer. Some companies specify that opened packages should be refrigerated, but alot don’t and leave me wondering… so I figure it’s better safe than sorry!
  • www.sproutpeople.com This site has been an amazing resource! If you’re interested in doing alot of sprouting, you could get a sprouting kit… it’s basically like a mini-garden. You should be able to get one at any natural food store. About the reci…
  • I’d like to see the “light” section include recipes made with buckwheat instead of oodles of nuts. Buckwheat is so much lower in fat/calories and a zillion times cheaper!
  • You could try sweetpotato chips… I think there are a few recipes on the site.
  • Buckwheat milk. Worst attempt at milk EVER. Then I only made it worse by trying to make “chocolate milk” =P
  • http://www.oilpulling.com/ ^^ that website really explains it I was actually thinking I would start doing this. I’m doing an MC right now, so I figure while I’m already detoxing, I may as well go all out =P
  • Kingston right here
  • Chocolate peanutbutter! **drools
  • It sounds more like an allergy… Have you tried any new foods lately? Worn wool? Sometimes I get something like that when I go from being really cold to really warm quickly… I just get a huge rash all over my arms and legs (but it goes away within an…
  • Because it’s fun, that’s why. Now let me ask YOU a question: why did you, as someone who does not believe in a raw vegan diet, even bother to join this site? And even more than that- why do you keep posting on it?
  • =D You are amazing! I’m so proud of you for sticking it out, especially given what you went through the last couple of days. I’m a little disappointed I didn’t finish mine but I really would have been under too much strain. Even then, I learned alot…
  • Congratulations! I’m so impressed at how dedicated you were and how you stuck it out through the rash! (Did you ever find out what caused it, by the way?) You are amazing!!! Good luck on your last day and on a successful transition =)
  • I’m so proud of you kminty!!! Before you have a salad though, maybe start with a smoothie (even if it’s just fruit), to kind of “test the waters”. If you can handle that, I’d say you’re up for a salad! sgmom, I’m so glad it helped, if only a little…
  • sgmom… I remember when I had the chicken pox as a kid the ONLY thing that could get me to stop scratching was an oatmeal bath. You can buy special little packets just for that purpose, but I’m sure you could also use regular oatmeal. Basically, just…
  • Hey sgmom, I’m glad you’re still doing well. About the rash… unless you had anything other than the lemonade (Altoids don’t count =P), I’d just chalk it up to detox. Or maybe it’s a reaction to a fabric (wool?) or a chemical (perfume, laundry deterg…
  • I think I’m done. My concentration and energy levels are at an all-time low. And this is baaaad, because I have a 15-pager due Wednesday and an exam on Thursday. I feel like staying on the MC would put those marks in jeopardy. I’m going to do 2 days…
  • Thanks for the support =) I’m gonna make it the ten days… but take it day by day after that. If, on the 11th morning, I feel up to it, then I’ll do 11. And if I feel the same on te 12th morning, then even better. I think I’m just feeling overwhelme…
  • Day 7 update: I really don’t know if I’m going to be able to go the full 14 days. I’m craving food (nutrients), and the maple syrup is so sweet it’s making me feel nauseous. I really wanted to be able to do the full 2 weeks, but I don’t think I can……
  • Yep… this is day 6 (only 8 days left!!!) I REALLY hope you don’t feel like this tomorrow; I wouldn’t wish this on anyone! I think symptoms vary person-to-person though. I read one person’s blog who said days 1, 3 and 7 were the worst, but, for me, d…
  • Oooooh what did you get sgmom? I can’t wait to shop for my first real meal! And to be honest, I can’t stop thinking about food… Today’s been an awful detox day: headaches, exhaustion, lack of concentration, mood swings, etc… But I promise you WILL h…
  • Don’t worry, you can have mint tea too! lol And the lemonade isn’t that bad… just enjoy the juice while you have it! The cooked food cravings really do go away though, and so does the hunger. Good luck!
  • YES!!! My tongue has been coated with white gunk all day, and my breath is pretty gross. That’s detox baby! haha Have you started getting headaches yet? I got a bad one about an hour ago.
  • I could really go for a big huge salad right now… spinach and romaine with tomatoes, red pepper, fennel, cucumber, apricots, apples, strawberries and a balsamic dressing… mmmmmmmmmmm. I’m not even hungry, I just miss food!
  • The SWF really works for me… but maybe I’ll try going without it for a day, and just drink the tea instead. The retention is just discouraging because I feel like I’m not cleanising at all, and not even losing any weight. I don’t have a scale, so I …
  • Hey sgmom! I found this site about liver cleansing: http://www.colonzone.org/liver-flush.php I don’t know much about it, but Sarma mentions it in Raw Food Real World and says she has heard that what comes out is actually just the coagulated oil. I…
  • I’m actually doing this for at least 14 days, so I’m only about 1/3 of the way there lol At least it’s saving me money on groceries! =D
  • I’m still here sgmom =) Today was a bit of a detox day for me… Major cravings, low energy and alot of bloating/water retention. I can’t believe day 4 is over already! It’s way past my bed time at this point (I get up at 5am each morning… ugh), so I…