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  • I am new to RAW myself..Find it hard to stick with at times.. I am the QUEEN of no appetite! Which makes it even harder! Go with how you feel.. A few times last week I ditched the smoothie for fruit as it is.. I felt great and same satisfaction.. So…
  • I have been struggling with the same issues as You too! Thought RAW would take care of the “thinking aspect” . I have a big sweet tooth & carb tooth I guess.. The more you eat fruits and vegs the more it goes away! More green smoothies will help…
  • WOW! It is great to see so many people in the same boat.. I have been wondering myself when the weight loss happens.. I have been doing RAW for 2 monhts ..I have seen no loss.. I had been doing every careful watching what I eat the past year before.…
  • Good Luck Stevio.. I have been trying to transition over to RAw food more myself within the last few months.. It gets easier and easier with time.. I still have a few slip ups.. Though the desire for RAW always brings me back to center.. Deb
  • Hi I am new here.. It is good to know there are people out there going through the same thing.. I am have been mostly raw going on almost 2 months.. I feel great..then wicked depressed… I though it was a new depression ,maybe it is Detox,, I felt th…