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  • LOL! RawVoice, you so funny! Thanks for making us laugh! :)
  • Jellibi- yeah, I’m at work (fire station full of male republican conservatives) tonight and the guys here all said they think McCain did best. Ugh. Just blows my mind. * In fact, excuse me while I go gag now. * ;) Just goes to show how people see wh…
  • Jellibi- your “hole in the head” comment made me laugh out loud! :) I (and then Mon46) commented about the debate on the “Definitely Not a Palin Fan” thread, so I’ll copy my post from there: “Wow. Watching the debate and Obama is SO blowing McCain a…
  • Very interesting! Thanks for posting.
  • WaterBaby- sending you and your Dad loving and healing thoughts
    in Waterbaby.. Comment by aspire
  • Doombot, sending out positive thoughts for your father. Along with all the previous great info, I would also suggest a FABULOUS film called “Healing Cancer From the Inside Out” by Mike Anderson about raw foods. http://www.amazon.com/Healing-Cancer-I…
  • SO funny!! JoyceH- if you put a dash directly in front of and behind, it will come out like that all crossed out. But if you either leave a space after the first dash and a space before the last dash OR use double dashes in each spot, it will not cr…
  • I’ve only read part of the first book so far, but I found it awesome and fascinating… and to think how amazingly accurate and “pure” it is. And the fact that these people knew and practiced such a peaceful way of living is just so incredibly awe-ins…
  • Definitely think it would be a neat addition to have! Great idea CLR!
  • I’d like to see that. I didn’t see where/how it’s available to watch. Is there a way to view it? The one with Morgon Spurlock living on the Indian Reservation looks really good, too. (You probably already knew that Spurlock did “Super-Size Me” and a…
    in 30 Days Comment by aspire
  • Thank you RawVoice. Very deep perspective, as usual from Deepak!
  • First of all, the headline the author chose for that article is completely misleading and irresponsible. >:( Veggies do NOT shrink the brain. According to what is written of the study, a deficiency in vitamin B12 (which isn’t really even a vitami…
  • Jellibi- GREAT idea and wisdom! Thank you for starting this. I think you are completely right in knowing that what we focus on is what we create/get. So thank you for the reminder! I see our country (and world) becoming tolerant of differences in ea…
  • Hi KTay. I’m sorry for what you’re gong through. I haven’t really suffered from seriuos long-term depression, but I just wanted to offer you some encouragement to try eating high raw for a couple of weeks or so and see if you notice any difference i…
  • Thank you for posting this and all your hard work researching things SimplyRaw! You are always so wonderful at posting helpful and enlightening info that you have researched for all of us to benefit from.
    in MSG Comment by aspire
  • Vet just emailed and said as long as we are giving our dogs raw bones and/or bone meal then they should be fine in their Vitamin D levels. ... so evidently the Vitamin D is in the bones. (Bright, aren’t I?!) ;) *She also said: 750 mg of bone meal fo…
    in Vit.D for dogs? Comment by aspire
  • Ok, I put a call in to my vet’s office and she’s supposed to email me back. Will let you know when she does and what she says. Wow, I would have thought Oregon was much more progressive in that field, being as how so many more people seem to be invo…
    in Vit.D for dogs? Comment by aspire
  • Wow, that’s a good price on the chicken necks! Whole foods sells them ground up for around $1.29 a lb if I remeber right, but then that is also their all natural (no antibiotics or hormones and fed all natural food) meat so I always take that into c…
    in Vit.D for dogs? Comment by aspire
  • Beany- I’ve wondered the same thing myself and I feed my dog raw meat, bones, fruits, and veggeis, too. Right now he gets plenty of exercise outside most days so I haven’t taken the time to research it further yet. But I’ll do that soon and let you …
    in Vit.D for dogs? Comment by aspire
  • Bwwwaahhhhaaahhhaaaahhhhhaaaaa! I CANNOT believe how UTTERLY STUPID that sorry excuse for a decent human being she is. Here is another great clip of her REPEATED numerous failings at describing what the VP’s job is- and she fails miserably EVERY tim…
  • “Powell Endorses Obama, Chides McCain Campaign Tone” http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081019/ap_on_el_pr…
  • So funny! (Be sure and run your pointer around the picture.) http://www.palinaspresident.us/
  • From my understanding, ethenol is not a good alternative as a truly sustainable, eco-friendly alternative to fossil fuels for the reason you mentioned, TJAB, and others. The same land that could be used for farming actual food for our country, inste…
  • Yes, TJAB- not good. :( Who is it that said the definition of fascism is the marrying of big private corporations with government and vice versa? That is exactly what we are seeing. On another note, here is an article that explains the stances of Ob…
  • short little video with John Cleese (actor from Monty Python movies), who describes Sarah Palin well… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMyNk8J1c8g A pretty parrot who is trainable and memorizes her words well, but doesn’t have an actual comprehension …
  • There’s Something About Sarah by Clinton Fein October 11, 2008 It’s not the freakish, shrill non-answers she gives in the few not-quite interviews by not even close to journalists. It’s not the hard core fundamentalism, sugar-coated to create an ill…
  • I tried to watch the Palin/Biden debate, but after about 40 minutes I couldn’t bring myself to continue watching it. Palin, literally, made me sick at my stomach watching her cheerlead for McCain, her thinly-veiled sarcasm and sugar-coated war-monge…
  • RCBAlive- lol :)
  • Mon46- you summed up the debate and debaters in a much more precise and direct way than I. Well said! :)
  • Wow. Watching the debate and Obama is SO blowing McCain away on so many levels. Very intersting to me to watch their body language: McCain refuses to look at Obama at all. He grits and tenses his jaw constantly, shifts his weight, and when he speake…