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  • There is a great site out there for nutrition tracking, it’s called SparkPeople. It’s not raw or anything but you enter the food you eat and it calculates details based on information in its database. If the food isn’t already included you can add i…
  • I’m thrilled to have the site back, I hadn’t realised how much time I actually spend on here until the site went down and I was a little panicky and lost…isn’t that what they say, you don’t know what you’ve got ‘till it’s gone? Thanks Kandace and Ra…
  • Thanks ambiguous, I’ll try the hot washcloth and see if that helps! My skin thinks I’m 18 again, in theory this is good but I can do without the pimples.
  • I had been using just coconut oil on my skin but my skin broke out a lot! So I went back to my old moisturiser and now I’m trying to figure out what I should do. I just got a book that was recommended by a few people, “Earthly Bodies and Heavenly Ha…
  • Delphine, what are some of the low glycemic fruits you have had luck with? I am very sensitive to sugars so don’t do very well on a high fruit diet, but still really enjoy fruit as a snack. Just curious which have worked well for you.
    in 80/10/10 Comment by jessicaxo
  • Z, I also recommend The Thrive Diet, all the recipes aren’t 100% raw but he offers raw options or low temperature cooking. I have made quite a few recipes from The Thrive Diet, my favourites are the low-temp pizzas, sweet red pepper pesto and the ra…
  • Toronto, Ontario – hard to keep raw when the temperature drops outside and most everything is imported! But I try – hot water with lemon helps with the cold ;) We are 3 hours ahead of California so when it’s noon there it is 3:00pm here.
  • I usually just copy and paste into a text program and print from there…I find that I can highlight everything except the recipe name so I don’t grab any images. A printer-friendly recipe layout would be great though, save me a step.
  • Buckwheat is from the rhubarb family so safe for gluten allergies. I’m not entirely sure about wheatberries; I know wheatgrass is controversial because if it is sprouted too long then the gluten has formed but if it is young then it is gluten-free. …
  • Hi Queera, I also have candida issues and after starting to move over to a raw diet saw the candida flare up again…I had been eating sooo much fruit that the sugar was just feeding the yeast, yuck! I have since reduced the amount of fruit I eat and …
  • I am so glad to see someone else has the same experience with the KitchenAid…I nearly killed my boyfriend the other day with a whole unblended brazil nut in his smoothie! I swear I had it running for about 3 minutes too. I had heard such good things…
  • When I first started converting my diet to raw (still not 100%) I fell into what seems to be a pretty common trap – eating lots and lots of fruits. My body is very sensitive to sugar and it threw my internal balance way off and caused my candida pro…
  • Sorry, I should mention if you’re going to try the gluten-free thing be careful of hidden sources – for example, I think nama shoyu has wheat in it? I use Bragg’s instead.
  • I can’t speak to any detox symptoms since I’ve only just started converting to raw and am just beginning to detox myself! But I can comment on wheat/gluten allergy since I have both. One of my allergy symptoms is for me to get really really tired, s…
  • I found these recipes a while ago – they’re exactly the same as the Larabar. http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread… Both my boyfriend and I have a Larabar addiction. We buy them by the box.