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  • hbartlett: I forgot to add - drink lots and lots of water! and I think that exercising has really helped with my detox.
  • About a month ago, I went 100% raw, and felt so bad that I had to scale back to very very low raw. I'm now back up to 66%, plus I've cut out all animal products (except honey), and have completely stopped buying grocery store crap, filled with prese…
  • One of my raw books says that buckwheat has to be rinsed at least three times a day to prevent it from getting mildewy. When I tried sprouting buckwheat, I rinsed it three times a day for two or three days, and it got a little smelly, so I rinsed it…
  • I have never seen raw nori at TJs (I'm in central CA), and I've only ever seen California almonds there, never seen the valencia. I always buy my raw seeds from them, and most of my nuts (most prob not truly raw). I LOVE their produce, that is the m…
  • Okay, it has been a while since you posted this, but I have been craving Cinnamon Toast Crunch so intensely that I have considered abandoning my raw breakfasts. (I haven't, and probably won't, but it DID cross my mind more than once). I'm not sure i…
  • Susan - Where are you from? I am trying my hardest to eat 66% raw. I recently had to move back home with my parents. They are "meat and potatoes" folk, who think I am nuts, and that this is just a crazy, hippy phase, so I'm struggling a little too. …
  • I love cutting them open and putting a little bit of salad dressing in the hole where the pit used to be, and eating it with a fork. I LOVE avocados, and probably go through an average of 5 a week. yum!
    in Avocados Comment by silystarrfish
  • I absolutely have to agree! When I start my day with a green smootie I am MUCH less likely to crave sweets or cooked foods.
  • Thanks coconutty! I think I'm going to do a lemon run this week!
  • Thank you Carrie. I'm am nervous and excited!
  • I would really love to do a MC, but I just started nannying a three and four year old, so I am running around a lot - MUCH more than I normally would. If I decide to do it, do you recommend waiting for a three day weekend, so I have three days to de…
  • Thanks, it was only two tablespoons so I ended up using water, but I won't make it to the grocery store for a few days anyway, and I'm sure it will come up again.
  • Grateful - I live in the central valley too, and the buckeye usually just kills me, I've been buying lots of local honey, and it has helped immensely. I've never seen a neti pot, I'll have to look around
  • I REALLY want to. However, this month is full of birthdays and prior food commitments. I don't think I can start until after Jan 5. I have a friend with a lemon tree, and I'm hoping I can get enough from her.
  • I am new to raw and thrilled to find this topic! I am having a difficult time getting enough protein, so to those of you who have been doing this for a while, what is your favourite way to get your protein in?
    in Newbie Page Comment by silystarrfish
  • This is a great list! My blog is: www.kellycrochets.blogspot.com It is mainly for my etsy shop, but I do recipes and food reviews (always vegan - not always raw)
    in Raw Blogs Comment by silystarrfish
  • pretzela: a friend of mine lived in Chiapas the summer after junior year in high school and LOVED it! she said it is a wonderful place
  • I am from a very tiny town in Central California