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  • wow i hadnt read this thread in quite some time - Viriditas , those hormones sound like they are what was making you feel bad - u say u felt better before homones?? it's always best to listen to ur body - after giving birth and i started suppling an…
  • also, I do not take a prenatal vitamin, i did supplement with b12 but i did eat superfoods. and my diet was a high fat one.
  • This is Tzefira- rawmamanibbles my new name, UPDATE!! we are doing real good. i had my raw baby in july and completed a natural birth at home. it was so wonderful i cant wait to do it again. my labor was 19 hours long and i fasted the whole time, wa…
  • My adivic about your food intake is .... Listen to you body. If you need protien eat protien, fats eat em. but dont just eat 60-80 gramms of protien because you dr say to. Listen closely to what your body is says and what your baby is saying. also i…
  • intresting thread. i've started in add a small amount of cooked egg to my diet, but i was un aware u could eat them raw. how does a raw egg make a smoothie taste? and what is the best kind of smoothie to use? also im back and forth on raw fish - i u…
    in Raw Eggs? Comment by rawmamanibbles
  • If you get your honey from a local farmer near you, that you know treats their bees with respect, then i dont see a problem with it. It's a sweatner at it's most natural whole form, unlike agave. I use both, but i prefer local honey.
  • Does anyone have a whole food moisturizer i can put on my hair. It extremely dry. i was thinking of mashed up avocado??? and maybe leaving it on my hair for 15 minutes?
  • My hair is seriously shedding. Hoe long will this last?
  • And my hair has become extra extra dry?
  • Tzefira here ….. Yea i’ve noticed my hair has started shaedding a bit. This is normal isnt it? I’ve been no poo mostly water only with few bakinig soda/ lemon juice rinses ….. Also i do notice that the tips of my hair have become a little dry? any s…
  • Tzefira here ….. Yea i’ve noticed my hair has started shaedding a bit. This is normal isnt it? I’ve been no poo mostly water only with few bakinig soda/ lemon juice rinses ….. Also i do notice that the tips of my hair have become a little dry? any s…