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  • Meditating – Yes, I know. I think I am enjoying the thought that the Power of the People does have a Voice. I am sure most of us do realize the outcome for this bill would have been a lot different, if it was after the 2008 Election. Thank Goodness …
  • It should be easy to see who supports the corporate elitist…you just have to look at the AYE list and the supporters for the bailout bill. This should tell us a lot about the values of certain significant others. (McCain/Obama) Corporate and Politic…
  • Do you believe today’s Congressional vote against the Wall Street bailout is a victory for the American people and a rejection of the attempted extortion by corporate and political elites? If interested…go to http://loudobbs.tv.cnn.com/ to vote. Pan…
  • In my lifetime, I have not ever seen any good come from things being rushed and/or based on fear. Is it going to get bad…I really do not think it is going to be as bad as the fear they are trying to pump into the American public right now. The Credi…
  • Here is a vote tally. A list of AYES and NAYS. http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog/?p=647#m… Note – The republicians are in italics.
  • The following is from www.campaignforliberty.com Inside baseball on the bailout September 29th, 2008 by Jesse Benton I just spoke with a senior legislative aid on the Hill and was told that the bailout is definitely dead for today and Tuesday in lig…
  • You can also read about other people's experiences and results at ... www.earthclinic.com or http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/oil_pulling.html
  • OMG! Somebody wake me up!!
  • Chicory My friend had one of their shirts too! I forgot all about that. BTW, Great Forum Idea! :) Mon46 I’m not familiar with the Housemartins, but I can tell you the first tape I ever bought was the ‘Violent Femmes’. I was really jammin’ to them an…
  • Greenghost I envy your experience!!! Today is not what Yesteryear was. I would have liked to have seen Siouxsie and English Beat/General Public live! BTW, I was 16 when I was jamming to them too. Mon46 OMG!! Your comment definitely brought back memo…
  • Greenghost and Queenfluff I do not meet many people who are familiar with “Bauhaus”...Awesome!!! Loved the first Lollapalooza 1991!!! I was also into Siouxsie and the Banshees. Me = alternative, skate, betty…back then.
  • My Life as a Soundtrack…. Too many staircases to spiral down, to tell that emotional tale. However, for the this moment in time… in regards to the current moments in my life and what I see happening at this time in the world… this is the song that r…
  • Ohhh!!! I am so happy to hear you found something to help!!! That is Awesome!!! Thanks for the update on your health. I am going to register the acupunture treatment in by mental rollidex for future references. Glad to hear you are feeling better!!!…
  • Angie - I have not had the pleasure of experiencing bronchitis. I have heard people suggest garlic though… so I found this with some garlic suggestions and other methods… http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/bronchitis.html Hope helps. You sound drained…
  • It is raining leaves… the smell in the air is different, and Nature has her arms wrapped around me!! I Love It!!!:)
  • We have a subscription with “Purely Delicious“ http://www.purelydelicious.net/ and “Get Fresh“ http://www.fresh-network.com/acatalog/get-fresh… and while I do really enjoy both magazines. I think I learn more and often new information in “Get Fresh”…
  • Waterbaby - Know we are here for you. {{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}} You are in my thoughts.
    in Waterbaby.. Comment by SimplyRaw
  • Wow! I have not ever heard of it. So, of coarse, I had to google it… http://www.earthdance.org/ Call it the “Free Spirit” in me… but it actually sounds pretty cool. So, omshanti…did you get out and let your hair down?;)
    in earth dance Comment by SimplyRaw
  • To add to Kevlar’s list… You can also purchase “World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17” at amazon… http://www.amazon.com/World-Without-Cancer-Stor… You might want to check out the “juice feasting” site as well… http://www.juicefeasting.com/ …
  • Yeah…some of those weren’t threads I usually go to either. Just obvious ones I noticed missing, after I saw the mangers thread was missing. Although Queenfluff...it did seem pretty ironic that I left that note for you on “Into the Wild” a couple a d…
  • Hey Queenfluff - Thanks for all the bumping!!!:)
  • Thank You, for the feedback!:) Thanks, for letting us know, we have not completely gone out of our minds. At least…not yet.:)
  • I am reminded that…. You guys did give us…fair warning that things might be weird for a little bit!
  • Hey Kandace and Ray - Even though I know you are probably still using the comb to fine tune… I just wanted to give you a heads up… it seems like some of us have a very strange looking forum. Mine really looks like the skeleton of the program. No hea…
  • I agree with tatiana… I have done the master cleanse and the weight came back. I did feel a sensation of cleanliness on the inside. But eventually something began to bother me…about drinking all that maple syrup. So, I only did two Master Cleanses…t…
    in Master Cleanse? Comment by SimplyRaw
  • Yes, Gear Shifter… troublesjustabubble is right. Even though I am very concerned with the current population of bees. Honey has many healing attributes… that you will not find in agave. In reference to the cayenne…it helps remove/eliminate toxins fr…
  • Jellibi – you have such a wonderful perspective on nature and the world! Your spirit just emits peace and love onto this site. Such a generous individual! Thank You! I do understand and believe in the auras of our spirits and the energies within our…
  • Here is another thread started by “troublesjustabubble” that you might want to check out… http://goneraw.com/forums/3/topics/7964 Hope you feel well soon!:)
  • Kevlar I thought you might appreciate this…. http://www.restoretherepublic.com/take-action/a… quoting part of the article… “This November many will vote for the who they believe to be the “Lesser of two evils” without giving thought to a 3rd party c…
  • I am reminded… “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” - Chinese Saying