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  • Oooh, golden opportunity! What TO eat is probably less of a challenge than what NOT to eat. Does she understand no meat, no dairy, no processed foods, no junk foods, etc? I would probably start her off with a palatable smoothie in the morning that i…
  • I don't have a big family but since you're getting a lot of responses from the high fruit/low fat crowd, I thought I'd pop in. You sound like you're flying by the seat of your pants! Making raw meals that are pleasing to multiple palates will probab…
    in Raw vs. cooked Comment by Suasoria
  • I think it's not so much the difference in eating habits/lifestyle but the self-destructiveness. And yes, she complains constantly about her ailments, about how this or that doctor is an idiot, the last drug made her lose her mind, etc. Of course th…
  • As I've mentioned elsewhere, my husband has become a convert to CH. There are some convincing thoughts on why detoxification is necessary - such as you can't push good nutrients into your cells if they're already full of junk, and the junk doesn't g…
  • I like Wichen's suggestions a lot. Who says you have to eat salads all the time! There are thousands of awesome raw recipes here. Consider how you can recreate some of your former meals with raw ingredients - so if it's a taco you want, try mushroom…
  • I don't know if it's a good or bad idea...but this happens to me from time to time and it does go away on its own. If you have an ice pack, try that for a while too. Light massage with Wood Lock oil (which can be found at well-stocked Asian markets …
  • RawTexan, you've had HBP for years, and probably many more years of food habits that contributed to the problem before that...please be patient with yourself. Absolutely you are on the right track, but it will take more than a couple of weeks to und…
  • Carol Alt - does she count as a celebrity?
    in Raw Celebs? Comment by Suasoria
  • A gazpacho sounds good - cucumber, tomato, celery, red bell pepper, maybe?
  • Just want to point out that 1300 may be fine per DAY but very troubling if that's over two dayS. At least that's how I read the original post 1300/two days.
    in Is this normal? Comment by Suasoria
  • Everyone is different, but you may experience detox symptoms for months. Some don't go through it at all. By the way, 1300 calories in two days seems meager to me!
    in Is this normal? Comment by Suasoria
  • Not raw, sorry!
    in Popcorn???? Comment by Suasoria
  • Mmm, spinach - that sounds perfect. I'd make a miso/ginger/agave sauce of some sort. Then I would grind up some pumpkin seeds in a coffee grinder, dunk the mushrooms in sauce, roll them in the seeds as a coating, then dehydrate them to soften and wa…
    in Oyster Mushrooms Comment by Suasoria
  • How awful! If she is consuming any dairy products she needs to stop asap. Dairy products generate so much mucus that the body has to fight hard to get rid of it.
  • I'm glad someone mentioned celery - also consider cucumbers. Very juicy and refreshing. Most juicers won't do well with the peels because they are often waxed, so you may need to peel them first. A clove of garlic adds a kick but I'd only use a litt…
  • If I could just comment on the "30 days" and "glowing" comments...everyone is different and certainly it would be unfair to compare yourself to others who are eager to brag about their personal successes on the Internet. For some the detox process i…
  • If you stick some in the fridge you can usually keep them at that stage of ripeness for a few extra days.
    in Avocado Ideas?! Comment by Suasoria
  • Cashew cheeses, soups every day, pistachio-mint smoothies, nut milk.
  • - No issues with asparagus (or anything else for that matter) - I don't peel zucchini. The skin is so thin and tender it's not necessary, unless you prefer it peeled for aesthetic reasons. There are a number of ways to make "pasta" - from a simple v…
  • Coconut or palm oil - it's cholesterol, but the "good kind," the MCTs - medium-chain triglycerides. I've never heard of a link between estrogen and cholesterol. I have heard that excessive animal fats raise estrogen levels, which can lead to problem…
  • What do you value? Access to nature, year-round gardening weather, restaurants and retailers that cater to your lifestyle, like-minded people? I'm partial to L.A. since I feel it has everything on that list, but there are challenges so it's a trade-…
  • I think it's a worthy goal. For at least ten years I've had a plan to retire early, leave the U.S., and spend the rest of my days leisurely in a villa with a great view. It may not be soon, but it's good to have a goal. I sacrifice a lot so I can sa…
  • Check the "dirty dozen" list of fruits and veggies with the most pesticides - discussed on this site and all over the net - and either buy those items organic or avoid them if you can't afford the organic versions.
  • Oh yay! I'm so encouraged by your update - and you too Misty. I definitely think that becoming a whiz kid in the kitchen and building those skills are important for maintaining a lifestyle change around food. I know it's the old argument about what …
  • 1 and 2 - if your food is boring and unsatisfying, maybe you need to increase the flavor? Make things sweeter, spicier, saltier, sour-er? Do you use ingredients like nama shoyu, maple syrup, agave, chili pepper, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice? I j…
  • Congratulations - you're making major changes! Do you have a farmers' market nearby? This is the ideal place to save money, eat locally, and get the best available foods. Check out localharvest.org. Keep in mind the exotic tropical fruits are more e…
    in Ch-ch-changes! Comment by Suasoria
  • Another vote for quick access to our own recipes. As someone with a lot of forum posts, the "Track" tab is useless to me.
  • Note that not every person on a raw food diet is following the 80/10/10 plan (also sometimes shortened to 811).
  • I agree with Swayze...I can't think of anything that isn't somewhat different when cooked. Taking your question to mean which are the most dramatically different in taste and texture...perhaps tomatoes, potatoes (not that I'd eat them raw), eggplant…
  • A blender, good knife, and a cheap spiral slicer are the essentials as far as I'm concerned. I have everything else and then some, but they've been acquired over time, some at very reasonable prices online. I think of food as entertainment and it's …