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  • Try eating more fruit and carrots to see if that changes things. Can you see food particles? If you can see parts of what you ate, you may not be breaking down the food enough and you might want to consider a vegan food enzyme to help you break down…
  • Deficiencies in C, K, B12, and folic acid can increase bruising (I imagine C, B12, and folic acid are the more common). If you continue to bruise quite a bit, you may want to see a doctor and have some bloodwork run.
  • I kind of make it a point not to enter my food into a calculator, although I did do that when I was losing weight and found I was eating a minimum of 2500 at the time (I had a health issue it turns out). My metabolism is pretty quick, and although I…
    in Calories Comment by camiheartsraw
  • Read "About Us" here: http://www.rawvegansource.com I go to their store run out of their home in Redmond, and they are very warm, giving people. Susan had thyroid cancer and is cancer free with zero traditional treatment. She recently helped me go b…
  • Grocery list on weekend (appx) for what is in season now: 1 BIG bunch bananas - yellow without too many brown spots...I tend to eat them all at the end of the week when they are ripe (lots of brown) 1 pack dates 1 container raisins 3 pears 2 mango 4…
  • I would look at the recent addtions first (beans caught my eye) because you mention the increase in gas is recent. There are different types of allergies and intolerances. Intolerances are more associated with digestive issues (it's still an allergy…
  • I've always found a correlation to excess gas and food allergies (gluten, soy, dairy, eggs, and some fruit/veggies are a problem for me). And harder to digest beans. Is she eating a lot of one particular thing? What I did was keep a food diary. I wr…
  • I will back up leafygreen's statement. I've read research (living with lupus is a great book for some background on the disease and they have pretty good recommendations on which products and foods to avoid) and have experienced the phenomenon (prio…
  • The diseases (autoimmune) I developed before I went raw vegan and are better while raw vegan. Ironically I got parasites (c. difficile and cryptosporidium) two weeks before I made the decision to go raw the first time and was in the hospital and dig…
  • I was having the same hesitation but was talked into going raw because of health issues. I've just hit day three and already feel like I'm coming out of detox. To stay warm, I've started adding cinnamon, garlic, and ginger to a lot of things. I woul…
  • I'm just jumping back into raw veganism again myself...I was really good about it earlier this year and ended up in the hospital a couple times with unrelated health issues (bacteria from food I had eaten PRIOR to going raw vegan). Anyhow, I'm tired…
  • Another good link and "no" vote for eating sweet potatoes (called yams in N. America): http://rawveg.info/rawfoodtoxins.html
    in Yams(Orange) Comment by camiheartsraw
  • Are you taking it with vitamin C? Now foods has a great vitamin C product that is corn free (most forms of vitamin C are corn derived). I think it's called tru-C. Vitamin C is necessary for MSM to be fully absorbed.
  • Thank you! I am avoiding for now to be safe because of colitis (fun stuff!) but have had some success substituting in recipes. My cheesecake came out great and will be trying marionberry this weekend :) I'm not aware of very many meetups.... I know …
  • What are the ingredients? 100% cacao? If you list out the ingredients for us, we may be able to help. Cocoa and cacao are very different. Cocoa is often processed with sugars and milks, while cacao is the beginning form of the plant and minimally pr…
  • Magnesium glycinate is a HUGE help! I have lupus and used to wake up in bed screaming because my muscles would cramp up so much they were like little balled fists crammed into my legs...it was disturbing and painful. I would take up to 300-600 mg of…
    in Charliehorse Comment by camiheartsraw
  • I'll have a couple of bananas in a mixed green smoothie in the morning and then eat 5-8 clementines for breakfast. Lunch is a ginormous salad, snacks after. I get comments on "WOW that is a huge bowl" or "how do you eat that much food?" I think it's…
  • This may be a profoundly stupid question, but it never hurts to ask! I've read about the many benefits, but I've been really nervous to try wheatgrass because I'm gluten intolerant and allergic to grass. I really doubt there's any gluten in this par…
  • Buckwheat just sprouted is fine - you want the little sprout to be 1/2 the length of the "grain" or less. And you don't put it in sunlight to green. If you let the buckwheat continue to sprout and turn into a green, don't consume very much. You can …
  • Soy is not digestible unless it's fermented (like tempeh or miso - I believe soy sauce is fermented, but I'm really not sure). It's just not good for you otherwise. Asian cultures tend to enjoy it fermented, but when western countries started to ski…
  • Hmm... I take a different approach than some. I had IBS when I was 17 - it went away for a while and I developed IBD when I was 24. I went on a low carbohydrate diet (otherwise known as the Specific Carbohydrate Diet), and this improved things great…
  • Thank you for posting! This is very encouraging. I was raw for several months but fell off the wagon hard after being in the hospital last week. I was even eating a small amount of meat because it was being cooked and I was nauseated and I just want…
  • Yes RawEverything, small amounts of bacteria and parasites are all around us. People with normal immune systems aren't affected drastically and often beat them on their own. People with autoimmune diseases can be more drastically affected - knocked …
  • bump. never showed up.
  • Well, it turned out there was really something really wrong! I had c. difficile and cryptosporidium. I took anti-protozoals for the cryptosporidium but it didn't address the c. difficile and I ended up in the hospital with colitis and a high temp (n…
  • I'm feeling better and less discouraged today. I cut back on the ingredient count this morning and decided to simplify things a bit. I think I'm fighting whats going around the office and my lovely immune system is also turning on my body - which is…
  • It could definitely be a B12 issue. B12 is very important for circulation and nervous system function. I notice I have circulation problems if I'm not taking eough B12 or I'm out of alignment. If I'm out of alignment, it occurs more in one limb than…
  • Vitamin e works like a charm. I used it after a horrible horse back riding accident left half of my face without several layeres of skin, and now I don't have a scar at all. My brothers called me two face after it first happened after the comic book…
    in acne scars Comment by camiheartsraw
  • Are you new to the diet? In the beginning, it's pretty common to go through a "gourmet" phase and need more calories than after your body adjusts. I'm still at the point where I need more nuts and seeds in my diet and I have to go heavy on the frui…
  • Vitamin E is wonderful for healing scars. I had a very bad horseback riding accident - the horse threw its head back, knocked me out, and I ended up skidding on my face on gravel. I looked like two-face from the batman comics. I was 11 at the time a…