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  • You should give Angela Stokes book Raw Emotions a read. Lots of great advice in there for all the stuff that comes out when we detox. Its great to see this as an opportunity, you're body is clearing out everything its ready to let go of :)
    in Emotions Comment by Tulsi
  • Thats funny that this thread came up. I eat shelled broad beans raw but just last week someone told me that they're bad for you. I haven't found out why yet but I'll get back to you if/ when I do!
    in Raw broad beans? Comment by Tulsi
  • P.s. I meant to say that the best way of knowing whether you're healthy or not is to monitor how you feel. It helps me to think that we are on a journey to wellness and that this involves a deep inner conversation with ourselves. Perfection isn't th…
  • Yeah I know what you mean, it can be very confusing! When I first starting studying we got all these catalogues from different supplement companies and when I read through them I felt like I needed about half of them! Within time though I got to kno…
  • Hey Mikfizzle I'm not a big fan of supplements generally but recently I did a course of B12 after 8 years being vegan and it felt amazing! I think B12 is very dependent on how good your digestion is and mine tends to be my weakest area, particularly…
  • Hey Lilburger, So sorry to hear you've been feeling bad. I agree with blueyz and would definitely go and see a naturopath if you can afford it, they will be able to help work out what's going on with your hormones and balance them. There's lots of g…
    in Depression Help Comment by Tulsi
  • Hey AVL, I think you're supposed to eat fruit before all other foods cos they digest much quicker. It was probably having them for pudding that caused the problem. I always get bloated too if I have fruit straight after other foods. I think in food …
    in Monomeals Comment by Tulsi
  • Hey Sypita, It really depends on the cause of breakouts as to what you would take. Often its hormonal but the main reasons the hormones are out of balance are diet and stress. The body uses hormones in the production of cortisol when they need an ex…
  • This is a really interesting topic. As a herbalist, I was just a bit concerned by KarinaFireBreathers comment that herbs are drugs. This is really not the case at all! Drugs are synthetically modified where as a herb is the whole plant as it occurs …
  • I can't believe I forgot Dulse and seaweeds of all kinds. They have to be up in the top 5.
  • Hmm so many wonderful things to choose from! 1. Blackberries/ Strawberries 2. Broccoli 3. Apples 4. Greens fresh from the garden 5. Avocado 6. Almond milk 7. Fresh lemon balm and mint tea 8. Walnuts 9. Beetroot 10. Ok I admit it, Raw chocolate has t…
  • Hey Agnes, I don't know if you'd have medicinal herbal teas as they're not strictly raw but for me they're a wonderful addition to the diet. Pau d'arco is such a great anti-fungal tree no fungus grow anywhere around its roots. Taken as tea for a cou…
  • Just sent a letter from the UK registering my concern as a global citizen :) I mentioned the horror of the recent rise in suicides amongst Indian farmers sold the Monsanto terminator seeds too. Did any of you read about this, so sad. love xxx
  • Hey Rawnglish teechr, Have you tried nettles? They're amazingly high in minerals and great for anaemia. They were used in medieval times to treat it. I was a bit anaemic and now I take a really strong infusion of dried nettle that has been steeping …
  • I also think floaters and glitteries are different. I get the glitter when I'm light headed too. Floaters are a bit more solid and less sparkly. In chinese medicine they are associated with the liver and can be a sign that we are detoxing or that we…
  • Banana and buckwheat smoothie Apple 2 cups raspberries Lettuce and seaweed salad 2 nectarines Green juice Grapes lulushka8*** (or anyone in cold climates!) Have you got any good advice for eating high fruit during the gloomy English winter? I can't …
    in What You Ate Today Comment by Tulsi