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  • Pho King Great Noodles! That’s awesome!! There’s a Pho restaurant here in Chicago that just changed its name from “Pho Hoa” to “Le’s Pho”.. I’ve been wondering if they meant it to sound like “Let’s Fuc%” In high school I had an aquaintance named Alp…
  • It was a nutty dream. I’m full of crazy dream stories… one of my recent ones was like something out of a Stephen King novel…
  • okay, this is a bit of a long story, but it makes me wonder where my brain comes up with this stuff… A couple years ago I was dreaming. It was a scary one. I was scaling rocky cliffs on a dark and stormy day above a very violent ocean, trying to get…
  • Hey Winona, I am an avid exerciser and have been since my early teens (im 30 now). I have trained for and run 2 marathons (about to do my third in two weeks). But, I did all of that without losing hardly any weight. This past winter I bought Jillian…
  • I recently read in "the Raw Truth" that almonds need to be kept at 57 degrees F to sprout-- so Id guess that many failed attempts are from being kept at normal room temperature...
  • Hey vtrawgirl, I’ve been having the same problem. Actually, after about the third week of raw I was like a live wire! The amount of energy and clear-headedness I had was like something I had never had (or hadnt since childhood)... I think that was w…
    in So Tired... Comment by Annabelle77
  • Heartbreaking… Waterbaby, much love to you and your family. Hang in there!
    in Waterbaby.. Comment by Annabelle77
  • Jellibi, Coconut oil is still good for you… I wouldn’t eat as much though… for the rest of us who want to lose weight… it’s counterintuitive to EAT OIL… but it’s a unique oil and goes straight to the mitochondria for cellular energy… or so I’ve read…
  • hey trouble, I actually just eat it with a spoon…its good! you can put it in smoothies, but if the smoothie is cold it will stay in chunks.
  • Hmmm.. well, you could make sure that you eat something every two hours, even something very little. Also, eating unrefined coconut oil will rev up your metabolism big time, and the body wont store it as fat because its a medium chain trigliceride. …
  • Hi Troublesjustabubble, did you say 600 calories a day? Wow! That is extreme Caloric Restriction (CR)! I dont know if you know about CR, but it has been a hot topic among Gerontologists for years. (I just got out of grad school w/ an emphasis in Ger…
  • Quiora, mamamilk answered the question for me. It’s obvioulsly not 100%, but nature has made it so it’s not easy to get pregnant while taking care of a newborn. My sister told me yesterday that tainted formula got into the Chinese population, and th…
  • Have you all heard the true story of how some company went to a struggling country in Africa… gee, I dont know the details… back in the early 1980s to give mothers powdered formula to feed their babies? So instead of breastfeeding, which acts like b…
  • I have a squeeze bottle made for nasal irrigation. The first time I used it I couldnt believe how much more I could smell things! And during cold season, I put a tiny drop of tea tree oil in with the salt water… soooo refreshing!
    in neti pot! Comment by Annabelle77
  • Hi Beany, I had the very same question, and the consensus was that yes, it gets chewy, not crunchy. I think the post was called “question about dehydration… help!”... from last night.
  • Hi KTay, I have also struggled now and then with depression, and after being on a variety of medicines years ago decided NEVER to take any of that crap again. Nightmares, tiny seizures, mood swings… those chemicals are no joke! I used St John’s wort…
  • There are actually some top rated brands that I would not have guessed that are cheaper than the ‘natural’ brands that I buy (I only looked at the laundry page so far) Good resource!
  • Chelsey, I hear ya! I’ve been sick to my stomach all day, and I did just suck on raw ginger. Hope we feel better soon!
  • Cool, thanks! But… if it stays all clam-nuggety in texture, meaning that it’s not thoroughly dry, then can’t it go bad?
  • Hmmm.. I would guess that it would be best to use something that resembles flax in its oil and fiber content, but what that would be I’m not sure…
    in Need advice... Comment by Annabelle77
  • speaking of craving dairy… Dairy (which naturally only comes to us from our mothers when we are infants) contains elements that release opiates in the brain… this is an evolutionary trait that creates a physical addiction to milk in the infant so th…
  • Rawry: things aren’t always cut and dry… here’s the thoughts of a published MD in a peer-reviewed medical journal. ACID-BASE IN RENAL FAILURE Influence of Diet on Acid-Base Balance Thomas Remer Research Institute of Child Nutrition, Dortmund, German…
  • Thanks guys! It’s a learning experience. I soon hope to have aquired the expensive basics so that soon, the day to day expenses will be mimimized. I dont even want to know how much ive spent so far! (But, probably saving lots of money on health care…
  • Hey everyone, I have a question. I am pretty new to the raw diet, and am eating probably 75% raw… mostly just salads and whole fruit and juices. I just got an excalibur and a blendtek (read $$$$$$$). The recipes here look so fun and exciting… but so…
  • I have actually gotten some crazy reactions… about veganism mostly… as if I am judging them in a roundabout way by my food choices. peace!
    in Work reactions Comment by Annabelle77
  • The Medical jury is out on this one… many medical researchers are concluding that it’s not that bad afterall… here is something to read http://www.rense.com/general65/salt.htm I was saying this today in another post that too much water and too littl…
    in Salt Comment by Annabelle77
  • Gee… Now I have to stop and get one on my way home!
    in Dry Brushing? Comment by Annabelle77
  • Last year, I dug out my old juicer and started to drink vegetable and/or fruit juice (a huge glass) every morning for breakfast. At the same time, I got into green food powders and was adding it to the juice. I felt crappy for a week (a detox for su…
  • Thanks Harmonylia, I completely agree with not limiting myself… The concern I have is that I feel pretty sick when I eat cooked/fried foods or alcohol. I dont want to feel that way, so I have to find a happy medium. My stomach has hurt all day, my b…
  • Chicory, I was just going to post a similar question. It seems that every time I eat cooked foods or drink alcohol that it takes my GI system DAYS to get back to normal! It really sucks, and I’m not sure what to do about it. For example, I attended …