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  • What about amaranth milk? Soak and blend, or......?
  • Hi WailingWoman, Where did you read the info on alfalfa sprouts. They’re one of my faves, so I’m getting kinda bummed-out hearing this news. Actually I don’t snack on sprouts plain. I use them in my twice-daily smoothies (which I’m surprisingly not …
  • Greetings, Izhpt. I became a regular coffee drinker about 22 years ago, and a full-on addict six years after my first cup. By the time I got to university, a pot a day several times a week (with tons of white sugar and half n half, of course) was no…
  • Greetings, Yes, toxic people exist. Yes, we can spot them easier when we start treating our bodies respectfully. Yes, they’re somehow easier to deal with because our outlook changes everyday as we transform on our raw journey. However, I’ve also lea…
    in "Toxic" people Comment by kdaca
  • Great tip, germin8. I’m definately going to take your advice with the almond milk and cashews. Thanks! And wouldn’t you know there’s a banana-based ice cream recipe here on the site at http://goneraw.com/recipes/5095-Nut-Free-Banana…? I’m getting ex…
  • Greetings germin8, I’m sure you could make chocolate ice cream with coconut milk, but can you make strawberry, orange, or vanilla ice cream with bananas and have them not taste like straberry-banana, orange-banana or vanilla-banana? I bought bananas…
  • Right, a thermometer…I think I’ve heard of those (goofy me). I’m clearly so whacked out from my cracker craving that I can’t think straight. Thanks so much Fee and Kevyn for knocking some sense back into me!
  • I normally do green lemonade in the morning and green juice or a green smoothie in the afternoon. Here’s my question: If I have a 2 TBSP cashew butter an hour after the lemonade, do I really have to wait 3 – 4 hours for my second round of plant bloo…
  • Greetings, I’ve never been 100% raw, but from my experience eating/drinking raw until until lunch seriously transforms you and eliminates the cravings for crap…and trust me, I’m that girl who made white sugar, white flour and unhealthy fats my stapl…
  • My name is kdaca, and I’m an orthorexic. No, I’m not poking fun at people with addictive behaviors. For me this whole orthorexic thing makes sense with respect to addiction transfer. Many thanks for the posting this thread.
    in Orthorexia Nervosa Comment by kdaca
  • Greetings from California’s San Francisco Bay Area