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  • I will be looking forward to this. Thanks for the heads up!
  • I’m glad to hear everyone is doing okay. I’m still overwhelmed by the correct calorie intake I need. My BMR is around 1600, which would be the amount of calories I need if I were sedentary! Because I’m active I need more than that, but I’m still loo…
  • Nicky – welcome! I’m a broke college student so I am basically living off (mostly) conventional fruits. I have yet to have a bad reaction and I figure that conventional fruit is still fruit and much healthier than the crap I’ve been eating. I’ve nev…
  • So today is my first day back with 811. I’m just going to stick to mono-meals of apples today. My body needs a rest from all the SAD I’ve been eating lately. Breakfast – 4 apples Lunch – 3 apples Dinner – (hasn’t come yet, but more apples) After rea…
  • Hey ori! I’m a newbie to this, too. I’ve been welcomed with open arms and I’m sure you will be as well.
  • Littlegems, that is so amazing! How did you go about negotiating like that? Making a deal like that with the small market where I purchase my fruit would be a dream come true.
  • Thanks, heyenglish. Glad you enjoyed your mashed potatoes – sounds delicious. Good luck with the lunches this upcoming week. Although I’ve read 80/10/10 before, I just purchased the book through Amazon so I can have a copy here at school to refer ba…
  • Thanks, littlegems! I have read the book and had dabbled in 811 sporadically throughout the past couple months. I feel my best when adhering to the guidelines and eating simply. I’ve read that 811 is also great for weight loss, which is an ulterior …
  • I know I’ve posted here and there, but I am committing myself to 811 on Tuesday and plan on going 100 days (until December 31st)! I’ll definitely be posting more often for support~
  • RAWCure – I would be interested in reading about this woman you mention. Can you provide a link or source?
  • I hear you. I wish I could just walk out and pull exotic fruits off the trees. :-( Maybe some day.
  • Thanks! Yeah, I’m obsessed with fruit. I was fruitarian for about a year on and off before I fell back to SAD. When I eat only fruit, I have constant BMs and feel great. Some gas here and there, but that’s expected. Sunday is my birthday and my pare…
  • Thanks for the suggestion, MOTH. It’s so so hard for me to stick to greens so I’m just going to disregard his advice for now and see how I feel.
  • Hey, I have question for you all, too… I went to my first colon hydrotherapy appointment on Wednesday. When the hydrotherapist asked about my diet, I told him that I was mostly fruitarian for a year and then fell off the entire raw vegan wagon this …
  • You worded that response perfectly, osoniye. It definitely just clicked in my head. I will definitely take that into consideration!
    in Binge eating Comment by KAIT
  • Thanks! I may start green smoothies for 10 days beginning tomorrow. I have heard elsewhere that they diminish cravings. It could be just what I need to get on track for September. How many ounces were you drinking eat day? I may need my mom to bring…
    in Binge eating Comment by KAIT
  • This makes a lot of sense, worleyhimself2. Thank you for such a detailed response. I’ve been trying to transition into raw with mostly fruits, but I think that I’m afraid to eat too much because of their high caloric content (compared to vegetables)…
    in Binge eating Comment by KAIT
  • Thanks. I’m getting a juicer soon and plan on trying that.
  • Bubbaw6 – what type of green juice do you recommend?
  • Gnosis Chocolate
  • I found this site which says - “Colonic Implants are concentrated herbal solutions administered during the colonic irrigation treatment to aid natural healing.”
    in Colonic Implants Comment by KAIT
  • iheartveggies – I’m not entirely sure, but I will be getting mine down at MARC Holistic and they gave those options. I’m not sure what implants do/are. LOL
    in Colonic Implants Comment by KAIT
  • Check out iheartfruit.com
  • Really? No one?
  • Looks like she is on tour according to her myspace tour map.
  • The Navy? That’s fantastic. I’m actually a fruitarian, which keeps things really simple. I have a hectic schedule and don’t have the time to make gourmet raw dishes or even prepare salads on most days. I just stick to mono-meals of fruit. I buy orga…
    in Local Farmers Comment by KAIT
  • Wow, small world! When you say “boot camp”, you mean with the military? I’m from Waldwick originally, right near Ridgewood.
    in Local Farmers Comment by KAIT
  • I was studying business at Boston University in Boston, MA. I transferred half-way through my first year to Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ to pursue computer science. edit: Are you in college?
    in Local Farmers Comment by KAIT
  • I’m from Bergen County. My parents live there, but I’m living at college right now at my second year in Hudson County :-)
    in Local Farmers Comment by KAIT
  • crickster – Metropolitan NJ? Where? I’m in Hudson County right outside NYC.
    in Local Farmers Comment by KAIT