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  • You’re right that going raw can be difficult when you’re not home much. It took me a while to find some recipes that fit my sechedule. Every two days I make a batch of pate or dressing and and put it into several glass jars. Then I make carrot, zucc…
  • When I first went raw my acne became worse than when I was a SAD eater. I was living mainly off of fruit shakes and desserts. After I started eating green shakes, salads, and hemp seeds every day my acne disappeared in about two weeks. Quitting coff…
    in Acne...HELP!!! Comment by LionMouse
  • Some camping and outdoor supply stores also sell dehydrators. I found a 9 tray Excalibur at Cabelas in addition to a good hatchet for coconuts.
    in dehydrator Comment by LionMouse
  • eshne: I don’t know about the cold sores, but your smoothie sounds tasty. You can cover up the taste of greens with a thin slice of ginger. Some shakes taste better cold, so you could try throwing in a frozen banana at the end. And don’t be afraid t…
    in Afraid of detox Comment by LionMouse
  • There was a study that showed lower rates of breast cancer among Mormon women compared with most American women. Breast cancer is related to the cycling of estrogen through the body, and these women had fewer cycles (and fewer periods) over a lifeti…
    in period Comment by LionMouse
  • Sunflower seed pate is inexpensive to make, and you can always add different herbs or spices for variety. If you have a lot of cucumbers, radishes, onions, or carrots on hand make a raw version of refrigerator pickles.
  • Cool. Thanks for making the distinction.
  • Had to giggle. I’ve never thought about “cleansing” as a first date activity.
  • Does anyone know why aloe gel is in the laxative section of the supermarket? Can people eat fresh aloe without having a “cleansing response”?
  • stylistchick: Yum. Are you cooking all of that by yourself or do you have helpers? How long is the cooking going to take? What are you going to make ahead of time?
    in Holiday Dishes Comment by LionMouse
  • $100-150 per person per week. About $20 is for greens and the rest goes to other produce, dates, vanilla beans, hemp seeds, etc. For some reason I can’t find an avocado for less than $2.50. But after I’m retired I won’t have to take a bus to Canada…