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  • I think everyone has valid views on here, its almost too hard to argue, but I am with Kevlar on the abortion front. If I had to go out and kill a sheep in order to eat, I know I couldn’t do it and there are plenty of people who feel the same, even t…
  • Oh sorry greenghost, you already put that….
  • Hang on, if we are to believe the press, then GB didn’t manage to keep the terrorists out! If it wasn’t a conspiracy of the Government, then that’s why the twin towers are no more!!
  • i have a sneaky feeling the ‘legs’ quote was probably written after too many beers when the inhibition bit of the brain had been obliterated….what do you reckon??? not a peep since, I notice!
  • Not taken that way at all Greenghost, Take ur foot out of your mouth right now, lol! We all wanting the same thing at the end of the day….Cheers and peace to you too, m8.
  • I only inferred the troll thing cos I thought no-one was talking to me :( but its fine, I was just being neurotic…..love the peace thing its just what we should focus on, all of us together as a world. When I got a moment tho, will look at the vid, …
  • Cheers greenghost, I was worried you all thought i was still a troll…..!
  • Thanks, Aspire, when it comes down to it, it is the individuals that can ruin the country, not the country and its population. I have witnessed stuff on the telly here regarding our government and thought ‘wow, that will hit the headlines tomorrow’ …
  • Thanks JoyceH that means a lot to me. Hope you liked Ireland, I haven’t been there but my daughter says its beautiful. Sad its had its own problems. Thanks for replying.
  • hello? i did ask if you wanted me to butt out, I would..I would prefer that than be invisible on this thread :(
  • What you have presented so far Kevlar makes sense. I used to think the countries we live in are run by decent upstanding people but when people dig for the truth (HIV may be just another myth) it becomes very elusive or those that can give us the ot…
  • yes, nicely put. Hitler hid under his ‘righteous’ umbrella of christianity, (an insult to true christianity) and it seems others will do the same. Unfortunately, christianity’s history in this country was all about control (land, taxes, life or deat…
  • No, so i hear :( hence the quote. pity there aren’t more political leaders focusing on the environment worldwide. so many of the world’s ills might be made right if that was the case. believe me, i’m fed up with the c**p our government makes us put …
  • I agree greenghost, my only rant with abortion was that the women i met were almost always accompanied by a guy or a mother or someone who often seemed more determined than the woman herself that it should go ahead, authorised by a well-meaning doct…
  • Hi, i’m not in the US but I would like to comment from an outsiders view. I am pro-life,simply because I have worked as a nurse in an abortion clinic and I have seen how wrecked the women are when coming to terms with their loss – it has a huge impa…
  • OMG Meditating, I’m appalled that anyone in this day and age has to shoot crows to feed a family! Isn’t part of becoming raw that we should not have to take from the animal kingdom? and in doing so, reduce the world’s burden of feeding cattle (requi…
  • just had a look at your recipes they look awesome!!! will def let you know how i get on! thanks gl with your business
  • Oh brill, thanks queenfluff, i’ll let you know how i get on
  • I had a real craving for kiwis when I was pregnant with my son, like I would go to the supermarket and then as soon as i was thru the checkout, I would cram them into my mouth, skin and all :o I find i am a lot more sensitive to them now. Where can …
    in Kiwi's: Yay or Nay? Comment by Debs60
  • Hey clr i have one and if you have the white bit the right way up and the tiny switch at the side switched the right way, you should get raw spaghetti. If not, send it back, it must be dud. I did have a problem with the little disc of carrot or cour…
    in Saladacco Comment by Debs60
  • I totally want to give up coffee, but feel just the same as you lzhpt. The first time I had an espesso, I literally flew out of the cafe afterwards and didn’t come down for a good few hours. Trouble is, the first time i did have coffee when I was fi…
  • Asparagus always makes pee smell weird, so I don’t think it is a problem. Infections are often as a result of dehydration, so drinking a good amount of water should keep this at bay. Also, infections can make pee cloudy. A diet of raw food is probab…
    in weird pee smell Comment by Debs60
  • Thanks Superpapaya, it sounds a bit tricky to keep to, but I might aim for that myself. Anyway, Welcome to the website!
  • Hi, please tell me, I haven’t got time to go through thread…What is 811? I guessed the rv was raw vegan.. I haven’t a clue, it must be a ratio of some kind!
  • Hey Clr I had given up on the site as everyone seemed to disappear an then I have been quite busy too. Sooo glad you got sorted in the end, hope the raw is still going strong? will try to log on a bit more frequently now. :)
    in Raw Foodies in UK Comment by Debs60
  • hey fellow ukians, happy new year! happy new raw as well! hope we will all link up soon. x actually, happy new year to ALL on the raw forums, whereever you are in the world!
    in Raw Foodies in UK Comment by Debs60
  • yep will do that. are there recipes for christmas you cd recommend (from any source?) i might look at the raw recipes for christmas/thanksgiving but vegan might go down better with bf! even veggie would be good, but i would really like to do vegan (…
    in Raw Foodies in UK Comment by Debs60
  • ok so i have got la dolce vegan on wish list and same for veganomicon but i might just buy la dolce if you two think it is excellent. I am finding raw hard in this cold weather so I am going easy on it and if I have a good vegan cookbook it might he…
    in Raw Foodies in UK Comment by Debs60
  • oh poor puddies, how awful some people are. Mine don't have a cat flap and we never did so they don't know what they are missing. I wouldnt do without my cats tho. sorry i remembered I didnt reply about China Study, am part way through it and it is …
    in Raw Foodies in UK Comment by Debs60
  • Ooh good luck on the house front, that looks really cool at this point in time, I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed! thanks to you both on the recipe book front, will put those books in my wish list and put it out for christmas, am I right La Dolce…
    in Raw Foodies in UK Comment by Debs60