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  • I'm going to have to wait on the yoga. I have a couple dvd's for beginners but im just so out of shape and over weight its too hard for me to do most of it. which is sad but true. Im actually doing much better today. i was really down in the dumps l…
  • Oh & I also ONLY drink water, except for my fresh juice in the mornings. and sometimes i'll have a cup of organic herbal tea.
  • Thanks guys :] Well I've known about living raw for about 6 weeks now. I've slowly transitioned myself. I drink a green smoothie every morning. But to be honest i have 1-2 slip ups a day. Not that i will go cook myself something, but i'll end up eat…
  • what about black cohosh? my aunts, mom & grandma took it for menopause.
  • It's the beet!
  • Maybe you should just start out with nice big green juice in the morning and work from there. like...a handful of kale a handful of spinach 1/4 of a red cabbage and 1 of your favorite types of apples :) (make sure you remove the seeds first)
  • I have a hard time believing your 15. lol
  • I know. It's astonishing how kind & supportive raw foodist's are. I started a weight loss journal on youtube the day we started the raw food & I have had nothing but the best of support. It's a big change from the people you usually meet out…
  • this information helped me too. I've only been raw for 5 days & I've lost 7 pounds. lol i was a littttttle concerned...however if it's what my body feels is best for me than I'm happy.
  • personally i hate young coconuts. far too sweet. Even as a child, when me & my dad went grocery shopping he got me a big older brown coconut. I love the juice from inside and the raw crunchy meat. :)
  • I have a weak bladder so I get minor bladder infections if i so much as hold going pee too long. Avoid acidic fruits. Soak your nuts. (if you don't they also have acid's in them) and cranberries...they help SO MUCH. annnnnnnnnd DRINK TONS OF WATER.
  • oh wow thats weird. My husband just got a rash. the next day i fixed him a big salad with raw apple cider in the dressing and when he came home the rash was gone.
    in Detox Rash????? Comment by magpie89
  • Yeah i heard about this. i think there is one brand ive heard of that was ok. I heard agave syrup is supposed to be clear, if its not that means its been heated and its basically like high fructose corn syrup, so noooo thank you. I stopped using tha…
  • I saw raw almond butter at the store...it was 37 dollars. wtf? Does everyone make their own? I guess you need a powerful food processor or something for this??
  • woopsy. wrong thread lol.... but still...yay! haha
  • Update: I've lost 6 poundssssss people!!!!!!!!!
  • I'm 20 :D
    in How old are you? Comment by magpie89
  • me & my husband want him to get a vasectomy. i wish we had the money lol
    in Birth Control? Comment by magpie89
  • In the Central Valley here. Ceres, California Just moved from the Bay area where I lived in Orinda & Concord. In the Central valley i've also lived in Manteca, Ripon, Lathrop, Stockton, and Tracy. :]
  • Northern California USA East Bay Area