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  • Has anyone tried the bentonite Detox ?

    I think bentonite is wonderful stuff. Just don't over do it. Make sure that you drink lots of water and eat lots of fiber.

    Bentonite is the best thing if you ever know of anyone bitten by a poisonous spider. It helped my daughter when she was bitten by a hobo spider. I have been looking for a source of bentonite to add to livestock feed for my horses. It kills parasites and the animals get more nutrition from their feed.

    It's great stuff! Clay is amazing. Jesus used it a lot according to the Gospels.

  • Diet and Exercising for Weight Loss!!!

    To lose weight you should avoid processed foods, fried foods, refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, etc.) & sugar sweetened beverages. Processed foods are high in sodium and low in nutritional quality. Instead choose a variety of fruits (avoid fruit juice), vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, lean meats, fish or other seafood and healthy fats like olive and canola oil. Especially focus on the veggies! They are super low in calories and packed with fiber to help keep you full.

    Eat small frequent meals throughout the day and don’t skip meals. Skipping meals can slow down your metabolism and deprive you of needed energy. Eat breakfast in the morning to wake up your metabolism after a long night’s sleep. Also don’t forget to drink plenty of water. Water is necessary to keep your body functioning properly. Staying hydrated helps with digestion, helps control appetite and flushes out toxins.

    You may also want to keep a food journal. This will give you a good idea of how many calories you are taking in and can help you identify areas where you need to make changes. The most successful “diets” fit easily into your lifestyle and teach you ways to eat healthier that you can stick with for good. It’s best to make lifestyle changes that can become part of your normal routine. This way you’ll have the best chance at keeping off the weight in the long run.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
