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  • Cacao-induced Migraine?

    Being someone who has worked with cacao as a 'Spiritual' medicine since 2010, as well as being someone who has overcome migraines, I have a couple of quick and simple pieces of cacao awareness to share:

    • Pure Cacao is a diuretic and can lead to dehydration. I cured myself of long term migraine suffering in 2003 by properly hydrating myself each day. (I also drink lots of water for breakfast until my body wakes up and is properly hydrated before I even think of eating food). So, you might be suffering from chronic dehydration and cacao is enough to trigger a dehydration migraine episode. Not fun, I know from experience. 

    • There are many different strains of cacao and each has different levels of "constituents" in them. Similar to different strains of coffee. I prefer what is considered Theobroma Cacao in which the active constituent theobromine is more pure and at higher levels. I consider this a ceremonial grade cacao. The important distinction here is that cacao DOES NOT contain caffeine! The stimulant is theobromine which is different and affects the body differently. This is why some people who get migraines or have bad reactions from coffee WILL NOT get them from cacao.  https://www.livestrong.com/article/499856-caffeine-theobromine/ ;

    • The last distinction to share is that, as stated in the last bullet point, not all cacao and thus chocolate is the same. I ate just a little but of a 'pure' organic chocolate bar from Trader Joe's one time and I regretted that decision for days. There was something about the quality of the cacao they were using or potential mold or other impurity in there that was not good. I had a headache and stomach ache at the same time. :-( 

    • Theobromine is also a vasodilator - good for high blood pressure, not the best for low blood pressure. Read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theobromine

    So, if you would like to give cacao a good chance of success, then I suggest seeking raw organic cacao that has been lightly roasted just enough to knock out any bacteria. Ultimately, as with any food, try a few different kinds until you find one you like.

    And, DRINK LOTS OF WATER before, during, and after eating cacao if you have been susceptible to migraines. And I mean, a lot! You will feel really good too! :D 

    Bright Blessings,

    ~ Brother A ~
