I need some advice, help, tips, incite, etc. I have slowly been trying to go raw for the past month. I went completely raw for about 1 week, but stopped due to bowel issues (not pretty when you are work). Anyways, that was about 3 weeks ago. Then last Sunday after eating pretty much 95% raw foods, I eat a baked green pepper with rice and some sauce. That next morning I was so sick. Like my body was rejecting the food. It felt like I had the stomach flu. Then on Monday and Tuesday I eat all raw, and decided to experiment. On tuesday I eat some sauteed veggies (corn, green pepper, broccoli, etc.) This morning I was sick again with stomach flu like symptoms. Can anyone tell me what’s going on? Is my body rejecting cooked food? Has anyone else experienced this? I have a theory that maybe my body is having to produce my acid to digest these cooked foods, therefore it is making me sick since my digestive system isn’t used to that anyone more.
Please help! Thanks!