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  • Very Dry, Straw-like Hair :(


    I'm not raw but used to incorporate green smoothies and more raw food into my diet. For the past couple of years I haven't done so well but am now planning to begin green smoothies again and start eating some of the healthy raw things I like such as cucumbers and avocados (my route to raw will be a very gradual one).

    I just wondered if I could ask... since I'm not going 100% raw any time soon, can anybody give me any advice regarding my terrible hair. It has always been very dry, frizzy and coarse, and the only thing that even slightly tames it are products full of chemicals. I've tried going the natural product route and have tried lots of things, for example, Aubrey Organics, but nothing seems to help. I also have had a very itchy, flaky scalp for the last few years :(

    What I'm asking for advice on, is how can I improve my hair through what I eat? I have a few ideas but really wanted to ask you knowledgeable folk on here. My skin is also in bad condition and I feel my diet really has to change to really improve anything, I guess I'm just looking for some guidance, please?

    Thank you :)
