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  • AWESOME. Which airline?
  • I just added you, Jennifer and Joanna, on facebook. :)
  • I think you're doing great! It's awesome that you dove right in to 100%. If that works for you - and it does for many people - don't let anybody talk you out of it or tell you to transition more slowly. If you want something hot to drink why not hav…
    in questions? Comment by HolyGuacamole
  • What they said! *hugs*
  • Oh my gosh, such ignorance and hysteria. Thanks for your reasonable response, Meditating. Obviously 8 years is extreme in any culture, but dangerous? Mass hysteria inducing? *massive eye roll* This whole "breasts are a taboo sex objects meant to be …
  • I LOVE what you wrote there, derryckl. So right on.
  • "I don't think saying somebody has to be 100% promotes the raw diet, or encourages people to try the raw diet." Quite right, rawcanadian. To suggest that one is either 100% or not raw at all is folly. Raw is not some club that only the cool kids - w…
  • Good to have, thanks!
  • I love Udo's oil! I also use plain flax and hemp oils, but I just love the taste of Udo's. No particular recommendations... I just use it in dressings, sometimes drizzled on veggies or a bit in a blender soup or savory smoothie, and it's super yummy…
    in Udos Oil? Comment by HolyGuacamole
  • I use radish tops all the time, usually in juice, but I have thrown some into green smoothies from time to time, too. I don't think they are the tastiest greens in the world, but they're fine to use.
  • If you sign in and "search questions" for "codex," several come up. When I searched, 8 questions were found. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Redhouse.
    in Change.gov Comment by HolyGuacamole
  • I like asparagus fresh and raw so long as it is young, thin, and tender, but I also like to put asparagus in the dehydrator with a little oil and garlic and let it soften a little before eating it. And no, I don't consider something warmed in a 105 …
  • Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
  • Our municipal tap water is fluoridated, so I have a filter on my shower and use Mountain Valley Spring Water in glass bottles for drinking and food prep. I also think I could do better than just pure water in glass, so have been looking into energiz…
  • I know you did not address me, but FYI, I use all kinds of salt - sea salt, pink salt, dead sea salt, celtic salt, or epsom salts... whatever strikes my fancy at the moment. I usually use brown sugar for my sugar scrubs as it's nice and soft.
  • My bathing routine is almost exactly like Meditating's. I brush daily then wash off with flitered water. Once a week, more or less, I do a salt or sugar scrub. Then once in a blue moon, if I feel particularly dirty or have been doing something that'…
  • Raw bread! Here's my favorite recipe, if you have a dehydrator: http://goneraw.com/recipe/onion-bread If you don't have a "D," you should think about getting one if you can swing it financially. It opens up a whole new world and you can make all kin…
  • I like these: http://www.yayasrawrah.com/ The woman who makes them is a local raw guru and a real sweetheart. They're yummy. Spinach Curry is my favorite.
    in RAW CRACKERS Comment by HolyGuacamole
  • Think of it like this: You just narrowed the pool of eligible gents down to a much smaller group - and that's good! Now you'll be looking for that needle in a teeny, tiny haystack, instead of a big, huge, giant one. ;-) Hang in there. You're doing g…
  • How 'bout this? Yes, purge. Purge yourself of your guilty feelings and stress, not of the food. It happens. You're still on a good path, it was just a little bump in the road. Don't beat yourself up. *hugs*
  • DagnyTaggart, you are hilarious. I had a totally crapped-out thyroid when I started on raw, and it wasn't even a particularly huge change from how I was already eating, and even so, I lost 10 pounds a month for the first 2 months and it's slowly cre…
  • How much juice would a juicer juice if a juicer could juice fruit? Depends. What kind of juicer is it? I might expect to get a couple cups of juice from a large-ish (very exact and scientific, I know) pineapple, so it sounds like you might be doing …
  • Y'know... I spend, oh, $300 or so, monthly, on supplements to deal with my formidable depression 'cause I don't want to go on antidepressants - and that's a huge luxury that I've never before been able to afford, nor shall I likely ever be able to d…
    in cipralex Comment by HolyGuacamole
  • It is a beautiful, beautiful day!
  • Thanks for the info, V2R.
    in Agave Comment by HolyGuacamole
  • I leave the hull AND the slime on. The slime’s the flava. We dehydrate and eat ‘em up, hull and all.
  • Thanks for taking the time to locate and post that, RKC. :-)