EVENT: Taking Action for Animals Conference

Join The Humane Society of the United States from July 24-27 for Taking Action for Animals, an annual conference and trade show that brings together seasoned animal activists as well as those just beginning.

You don't want to miss out on the opportunity to:

-Hear dozens of talented presenters provide the latest ideas/tactics to take action for animals.

-Learn how to walk the halls of Congress to lobby your federal legislators on animal protection issues.

-Learn how to plan effective campaigns.

-Meet hundreds of other animal advocates.

-And much more...

Watch this video for a sneak peek inside the conference:

*REGISTER TODAY*: http://guest.cvent.com/EVENTS/Info/Summary.aspx?e=a6491bac-2f92-450c-bba9-b7e4723a6fbd&Refid=GR

Have you seen the new TAFA community page!? It


  • JoyceHJoyceH Raw Newbie

    I wish I could go. Thanks for posting!

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