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Raw Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is coming right around the corner, and I am curious to see what you are making for your thanksgiving meal.

Im not sure what im going to be making yet, but i know I was a couple sides, a main dish and of course a tasty dessert. :)




  • LaEnsaladaLaEnsalada Raw Newbie

    I was thinking of making some of the thanksgiving recipes from Living Raw Food, probably the marinated mushrooms, mashed root vegetables and cranberry sauce. I really want to buy a dehydrator soon, so I can make some good recipes for the holiday season.

  • No idea what I'll do for the meal, but I do know that I'm going to tdo the pumpkin cheesecake recipe from welikeitraw.com for dessert. YUMMM

  • silystarrfishsilystarrfish Raw Newbie

    Rose Lee Calabro has a few recipes in Living in the Raw Gourmet that have piqued my curiosity. I'm not 100% raw, and nobody else in my family - who comes to Thanksgiving anyway - is even vegetarian, so I will probably eat SOME cooked foods, but they will be vegan cooked foods.

  • Hey there,

    I posted about a raw Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. I made a raw apple pie with raw cashew cream! Yum! :-) You can find the recipes here:


  • Pumpkin cheesecake sounds devine. I'll have to check that out. I'm going to someone elses home and will be the only raw or veg. so I will prob just pick from the cleanest veg. dishes available and hope not to offend anyone

  • That's my plan as well: lightly cooked veggies and stuffed mushrooms, etc. Basically, I am going to try my luck at avoiding the turkey with the parents concerned about protein of course. It's going to be my challenge to explain it to them! I don't really have a sweet tooth, so raw desserts aren't my thing. I might have to go mostly cooked in such case.

  • LilEarthMuffinLilEarthMuffin Raw Newbie


    now im thinking about a raw lasanga, a huge salad, my new sweet potato soup and maybe a cobbler or perhaps a parfait or something. i cant wait!


  • juicefastfanjuicefastfan Raw Newbie

    My Thanksgiving Menu:

    I'll be using a Raw "Almost Turkey" recipe I have and love,

    Raw Asparagus with "Cream" Sauce,

    Raw Broccoli & Cauliflower with "Cheese",

    Raw Winter Squash,

    Raw Corn Chowder,

    Raw Banana Cream Pie,

    Raw Pumpkin Pie,

    Vanilla "Fluff" (what we call the "ice cream" we make with the champion juicer),

    Pumpkin Spice "Fluff"

    Okay, my belly is totally growling now!!

  • sv3sv3 Raw Newbie

    Wow, what a menu juicefastfan - I'm very impressed.

    Mikfizzle, there is a great lasagna recipe at: http://imsorawkin.blogspot.com/2009/04/seriously-best-spinach-lasagna.html

    It is sooo good.

    We don't have thanksgiving here in the UK so it's strange hearing about all your celebrations and plans.

  • juicefastfanjuicefastfan Raw Newbie

    Thanks sv3...I'm not even 100% raw but I find that if I eat any cooked foods during holidays its really hard NOT to go all out and eat pretty much everything cooked! So, I have experimented over the last 5 years and have found if I go all raw, I stay raw that day because I have enough stuff I LOVE that I don't want any of the SAD stuff! The only thing that would complete my day is a raw whipped cream that tastes just like the oh-so-bad for you Reddi-Whip out of the can stuff!!

  • kandacekandace Raw Newbie

    I'm not totally sure what I am doing for Thanksgiving yet, but I took a raw Thanksgiving class a couple years ago and loved this mashed parsnip recipe. It goes really well with any of the mushroom gravy recipes (a few on this site as well as one in Rawvolution).


  • wichtenwichten Raw Newbie

    If i make something cooked its gonna be a wild rice and quinoa stuffed acorn squash. but for my raw yummies im going to make kandaces parsnip whip with gravy, marinated spinach salad, and cranberry relish. I will probably make a pie too...

    Anybody have any suggestions for a main dish if i dont do the squash?

  • The squash sounds really good, and it's perfectly okay to have roasted/steamed/lightly cooked foods. I mean it's still really beneficial and healthful!

  • mmmm thanks for the idea, I kinda want to make one now as a test just so I can eat it. Id never been to that website either, Ive been raw for 2 months now, and am having fun experimenting with recipes. I dont have a Dehydrator yet but plan on getting one soon...thanks again for posting

  • carrie6292carrie6292 Raw Newbie

    I have decided to make the following from Matthew Kenney's Everyday Raw book:

    Portobello Steaks with Rosemary Mashed Potatoes

    Tyme Pumpkin Pie

    Chocolate Torte

    I'm also going to attempt some sort of stuffing... and, I found on Carmella's blog (The Sunny Raw Kitchen), a recipe for Spinach Cheese Balls and I'm going to make these as an appetizer. Also, in matthews book is a recipe for sausage patties and I might make these into meatballs and bring as an appetizer.

    If you go to www.meetup.com/syracuseraw I have posted a lot of Thanksgiving recipes that I have found throughout the years. I was trying to make it easier for users of the site to have a raw thanksgiving - most are new to raw.

  • LilEarthMuffinLilEarthMuffin Raw Newbie

    carrie that sounds like a delicious spread! i have never tried making portobello steakes... so im not sure how to go about it.

    have any suggestions?


  • TammiTrueTammiTrue Raw Master

    carrie that sounds like a delicious spread! i have never tried making portobello steakes... so im not sure how to go about it.

    have any suggestions?


    That sounds really good. 

    Bumping this thread for holiday recipe ideas. 

  • crystalscrystals Raw Newbie

    I am waiting for thanksgiving and considering it will be the best one and everybody likes my handmade meal.

  • ClaireTClaireT Raw Master

    What are you making, Crystals?

    There is something I love about this time of year. 

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