Not that im not looking forward to hangtime with the family and so forth. i definitely am but last thanksgiving was nearing the end of a year's time as a this year its as a raw foodist. yikes!! i can almost feel the bewildered stares now. the huhs? and "what the heck are you involved with some kind of cult?" questions. mother still says "son, you need to eat some kind of meat for protein".ARGH!!!! the carcass industry has her psyche in their evil clutches true believers. though i admit she means well. i guess my question is how did u cats and kittens handle this situation? im looking forward to explaining the lifestyle and all its many benefits to the fam but not if it means i have to talk to brick walls to do so.

so whatta u say? any goodhearted, raw foodist, free spirited lady willing to be my dinner date? because i think im gonna need all the help i can get. lol


  • superfood2superfood2 Raw Newbie

    I would just bring my own food and not mention being a raw foodist or benefits of doing so.

  • Yes, definately bring some raw dishes as Superfood2 mentioned! My suggestion- don't make it anything "unusual." Just a salad, or definately a veggie tray (or fruit salad even). Most others will eat it (just not be only eating from it like you probably will be).

    IF you do not follow 100% raw diet- this would be the time to eat some cooked food. Some of us are high raw and not following 100%. Of course, if it's important to you to eat only raw- then continue to do so at the get together.

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