Hey all....it's been a long long time. I was living raw back in 07-08 and had an account on here. Lots has happened....(including losing my e-mail accounts and falling off the Raw wagon back to SAD)...
Somewhere in 2008 I had several epiphanies about where my life was going...yes Raw was a huge part of that. I ditched my awful jobs, broke up with an abusive man, and moved out on my own back close to my home town. Due to finances and stress, I fell back into a status quo of S.A.D., not even veg. I felt horrible. After about a year of mixed veg & S.A.D. most my health problems came screaming back--gastric ulcers, insomnia, aching joints, and stiff muscles. There's a host of other ones but I'm sure you all know how bad it feels to be "cooked"...I looked and felt my age again.
I'm "back at it again" and I feel great. I hope to keep it up while I am rebuilding my life & career. Up from the ashes....and here to stay :)!!! Missed it!
Thanks for everything!