Hi, everybody!
I live in Canada where I currently work as an oil and gas accountant... However, an opportunity has come up for me to move to California (the Silicon Valley) and join my boyfriend who works there. I have always dreamed of living in California and now I have manifested it:-). However, as a Canadian resident I need to have a job in order to live there... I am looking for a job, but also a possible career change. I am a certified raw food coach, a Reiki Master and an angel healing practioner... I am very passionate about alternative healing!
I have been looking for websites that advertise alternative healing jobs but there is nothing I can find... (I was thinking that we can have a Classifieds Section here on this website too..) I am asking for any advice on available jobs out there for somebody with my skill set... Any help will be highly appreciated!
Hopeful and thankful!
Well, it is the computer capital of the world, if you have any tech experience, it would probably be best to look for something. Even accounting-like experience could work if only a different industry - computer corporations instead of gas/oil.
Good luck with that job search though and welcome to california! I live in Santa Cruz, about 30 - 45 min from silicon valley area! Lots of raw food places in all of NorCal, so I hope you have fun checkin places out.
^_^ tschau
At first create best of the best essay and send, send, send . On my option there are some ways :
-Find a sales job at a small, consumer startup like a saller
-Start writing a ton and get into copywriting for a startup that needs fuel for its content marketing strategy. Many companies now would call this a social media strategist, specialist, marketer, or something else, but really what it means is creating mountains of compelling content to help sell the pitch online
-Take a flight a few hours in any direction to a bank, hedge fund, video game company, or any of the hundred or so other industries
Any luck yet? :)
Have you considered paralegal work? It’s a pretty steady field and has lots of room for growth. I came across this article about how even a convicted felon can become a paralegal (https://legalcareerpath.com/convicted-felon-become-a-paralegal/), and it got me thinking that it might be a good option for you too. I know it’s not exactly alternative healing, but it might be worth checking out while you explore new career paths. Besides, Silicon Valley has so many different job opportunities, so your unique skills could fit in ways you might not expect.