
last night I celebrated with friend who is leaving back to school again after only being around for a few days, I drank and ate cooked food for the first time in over 50 days. I feel horrible today, and cannot believe what I have done. I never thought I would feel this bad both physically and mentally. Needless to say I will never do that again, but I was wondering if I should jump right into a fast of some sort, or wait a a few days and just have fruits and veggies? someone please give me adivce, I feel horrible!


  • coconuttycoconutty Raw Newbie

    Yup, I’ve been here before as well! And even though It makes me feel beyond crappy, I must admit it’s happened more than once! I try to do a mini fast, or try to eat really lightly for the few days following just to give my body a rest and allow myself to re-coop from the “damage”. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Slip ups happen. Just know that the longer you stick to being raw, the less frequent this will happen! It has taken me quite a lot of slips ups to finally learn my lesson ;-) Hang in there!

  • alpdesignsalpdesigns Raw Newbie

    Hi Rawdoll. My family recently sold our stores. I didn’t go grocery shopping while we were waiting for the new people to arrive and the date kept changing. I ran out of produce. I ate some cooked food during this time because that was all I had. I’m immobile due to MS and had to depend on someone else to bring me my meals. I fell every day, sometimes several times. I had trouble standing, even while holding on to something. Since that time, a month later, I’ve eaten nothing cooked. I’m able to prepare my own food. My strength is returning and I don’t fall anymore, even with 94 degree heat (heat zaps me). This has convinced my family that there IS something to eating raw and they are trying to incorporate more of it into their diets. I hope this story encourages you to stay on track.

    Eat some watermelon to do a cleanse, or a water fast if you’re able. Allison

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