
So, I dropped all pasteurized juice from my diet and started juicing my own. I used to drink apple juice like crazy but decided to try orange juice also. Ever since drinking that fresh yummy orange juice, I have been having mucus problems. I feel all stuffed up and phlemmy. Now, I dont know if its the orange juice per say, or if its something in my new apartment I havent found that Im allergic too yet.

But can orange juice do this? Is there an easy way to get rid of the mucus?


  • queenfluffqueenfluff Raw Newbie

    I notice that if I drink oj that I feel more phlemmy. I forget why it is but it does do that. The best thing I have found is lemon water. I used to drink hot lemon water when first waking in the morning. You could probably do a cold lemon water too.

  • humanimalhumanimal Raw Newbie

    oranges, or any citrus fruits, are very detoxing. OJ or lemon juice cleanses the body from toxins which is contained in mucus. So I dont really think there is a way to get rid of it. Its not a bad thing to get rid of mucus. Mucus will stop forming once the body has fully cleansed itself from all the bad stuff that we inhale and absorb into our bodies. I would also suggest to go on a cleanse or fast. Try a master cleanse which is drinking a lemon and maple syrup concoction, or just go on a water fast. Hope that helps out.

    Peace and Blessings, Vaughn

  • I JUST finished squeezing my three lemons for my lemon water drink I try to have every morning before breakfast later and saw this topic on the main page. I’ve recently decided to go 100% raw and no sooner than the second day, already started having sinus congestions (no headaches..just a stuff/runny nose) and scratchy throat with mucus problems. I think a lot of it may have to do with some quick changes (detox?). But you’re both right, the lemon/citrus juice is really helpful and feels very cleansing each morning and night when take it. I feel like it helps not only wake me up, but with digestion afterwards too.

    I just juice 2 or 3 fresh lemons and add some water in the morning to help with how stuff I feel when waking up. Last time I went raw so quickly this all went away. Hope this helps. Peace *B

  • This is another case of reductionism as I mentioned in another thread. Orange juice (or any other food or substance) doesn’t do anything to us – it is our own body that does everything. The juice or whatever you ingest is just a food and the body takes over from there trying to digest it. If your body is given the resources it needs to heal itself, it will. Food doesn’t heal, our bodies heal. In your explanation above it sounds like you are doing just that, you are giving your body an opportunity to work out some of the toxins that it is storing in itself. If you fast for a couple of days on only water you might find that after the fast you do not get the mucus problem when drinking juices. This will mean that you have given your body the chance to clean out whatever toxin it was that caused the mucus and it will not have to work so hard to create a film of mucus to protect itself. There is nothing special about orange juice except that it is a raw concentrated food, it is easily digested with minimum energy required which leaves energy leftover to do some house cleaning.

  • I agree SocaL, every time I’ve eating something with lots of sugar or processed foods I get alot of mucus formed, it’s due to the body trying to digest something thats not easily digestible. Your mouth produces saliva which helps digests things, the saliva comes from your mouths exocrine system btw and is a natural bodily function. And mucus tries to trap some of the bad things and take it away, be that spitting it out, blowing it out, or …eliminating it through waste.

    Eating foods that have a lot of enzymes that help break down the food uses less saliva from the body. Eating raw helps your body to break down foods more easily in otherwords. Eating SAD foods means not that many or no enzymes so your body has to work harder to break it all down, hence more saliva and mucus thickness.

    After being RAW for a while you’ll see the mucus will dissipate considerably.

  • The information you added is only partially correct, bellasera. Actually our body produces all the enzymes it needs to digest all foods. It doesn’t use the enzymes in the food except it will digest them and sometimes use whatever properties of them that can be used. Remember the enzymes in plant foods are plant enzymes and not animal enzymes so they are not usefull to our digestion efforts. This is a big fairy tale that many of the raw food gurus talk about but is simply not true. We do not use less enzymes in digesting raw foods over cooked foods because the raw foods still have enzymes entact. These raw enzymes are useless to us and just get digested along with the rest of the food.

  • Thats interesting Socal. Do you have a certain reference you are going from. i’d like to educate myself on this more!

  • You can start by reading the following posts on Doug’s forum:…

    You can also research the work of Joel Fuhrman, he doesn’t agree with the 100% raw diet but his work is accepted by even raw food enthusiasts:

    The enzymes needed for proper digestion is supplied by our body, not by the food eaten. Our body has the ability to analyze the food and secrete the precise proportion and amount of enzyme needed for that particular food. We have to rely on the body

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