I ate rubber bands

Rather, I drank them. I ground up a few in my blender, then while drinking some green concoction, I noticed a new texture. Something chewy. Something less plant-based and more industrial wasteland-based. When I pulled a few hunks out of my mouth, the rubber bands were bright blue. Guess it’s time for more detox, lol…


  • germin8germin8 Raw Master


  • Wow.. I’m wondering how the rubber bands got in there in the first place?? I think I can assume it wasn’t an intentional addition to the smoothie? I can tell you that I have on more than one occasion missed those things on my greens… even the brightly colored ones.. thankfully it was almost always a salad going on and they were much easier to dispose of than a smoothie.. I don’t think they’ll do much harm considering your stomach most likely won’t be able to digest them at all and they’ll just take a scenic route through your intestines and then go away with a flush. Let us know in a couple of days if anything happens.. It’ll be interesting to know how rubber bands effect a raw diet. Take care and good luck! K-Mom

  • kundalalitakundalalita Raw Newbie

    oooooh post ur recipe! sounds tasty hehe

  • MarichiesaMarichiesa Raw Newbie

    HaHaHa, Makes me want to dance ” Rubba Band Man..rubba band man” Or does hearing that song in my head just make me seem really oooold? Were you making a Blendtec video for You tube or what?!:O)

  • Well, no GI track issues yet! But I have been dancing along to some crazy ass song that somehow won’t get out of my head!

  • They’re probably not raw, but are they vegan?

  • Maybe the song and the dancing are the effects of the rubber bands? lol well as long as you’re feeling fine then that’s good. Next time I’d suggest you make sure to have a rubber-free smoothie.

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