Kinds of fat

I know that the omegas in certain fats are important to consume and i’m worried that i don’t get the right balance of them. I don’t want to be anal about it and keep track so everyday i eat a different nut or use a different oil in my homemade dressings. Does anyone else do this? Maybe i’m overanalyzing this….


  • Raw_ChocoholicRaw_Chocoholic Raw Newbie

    Brendan Brazier has a recipe in his book which calls for 8 parts hemp oil, 1 part flax oil, and 1 part pumpkin oil. This is supposed to be a completly balanced EFA mixture. I mostly use flax oil though.

  • I forgot about that, i read his book when i was 1st starting out. Thank-you so much! Since i’ve started i’ve been reading so much that i forget stuff and can’t remember sometimes which book it’s from!!

  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    Udo’s Oil Blend is balanced. Udo Erasums’ book, “Fats that Heal Fats that Kill”, says the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio 2:1. You can add sunflower and sesame oils to flax oil. However, (somewhere in the book, I think I read that) the reverse ratio 1:2 is better for people with cancer.

  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    I use ground flax seeds, I believe this is a good way to get omegas. I like to get my fats from wholefoods as much as poss…although ground flax isn’t strictly whole food as it has the water taken out, it is more wholefood than oil.

  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    How do you lose water from grinding flaxseed?

    I grind my own. I don’t buy it pre-ground as it will undergo more oxidation by the time it gets to my mouth.

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