Low stomach acid??

Hi guys,

I have been reading lately that having a raw food diet can cause low HCL in your stomach. Does anyone know why this happens and what I can do to make sure this does not happen. Thanks!!!


  • Hey Lotus Lady, good question I know a little about raw food—> acid connection after being advised to go raw in order to help my problems with too much acid. In Natalia Rose’s book “Raw Food Life Force Energy” I learned how cooking destroys up to 100% of foods naturally occurring enzymes. These naturally occurring enzymes help the body break down the foods. Cooked foods and particularly cooked meats require a great deal of work from the body to digest them. When the stomach recognizes these tough to digest foods it creates a great deal of acid to digest them. People who consistently eat raw foods probably do produce less stomach acid because they don’t need it. I hope to get to that point! Hope that helps explain it, the abovementioned book is great!

  • Raw_ChocoholicRaw_Chocoholic Raw Newbie

    Victoria talks about this in her book Green For Life. I believe that she noted an increase in the HCL levels of those who drank green smoothies.

    David Wolfe suggests taking a shot of lemon juice (or another citrus) before eating a salad to increase the HCL.

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