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Peace family… I bought a coconut about a week ago and it has been in my fridge all this time. Is it still good? How long do they last?

Also…I want to make one of the butter recipes on this site. They both call for coconut butter and coconut oil. What is the difference? I have coconut oil at home, but no butter. I have some Essene bread dehydrating at home (my first time making it! I sprouted wheat berries and mixed them with some left over almond pulp from almond milk…I’m so excited!)

Anyway…i appreciate your help!


  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    Is it a Thai young coconut (white/green) or a mature coconut (brown)? Open it up… if the water of the young thai coconut tastes good, then the coconut is good. If the water tastes bad, throw it out (someone posted this response a long while ago).

    As for the mature coconut… if it’s purple tint inside, that’s probably not good.

    Coconut butter is coconut oil.

  • It’s a young Thai Coconut (white). Thanks for the info. Coconut butter is coconut oil??? Wow…thanks.

  • coconuts last a really long time… chances are it is still good.. coconuts have been known to float in the ocean and then beach themselfs on another island.. then a year or two or three later finnaly sprout…

  • Make sure to use Organic Raw Coconut oil. Its solid at room temp. Some call it extra virgin premium or DME Direct, Micro, Expelling. Pure coconut oil keeps a couple of years without going bad. Smells good and tastes great.

  • Morning_theftMorning_theft Raw Newbie

    Actually, coconut butter could also refer to Artisana’s coconut butter, which is creamed coconut meat.

  • rawmamarawmama Raw Newbie

    Is there a way to make your own coconut butter? And would it be from an older coconut or a young coconut’s meat?

  • Morning_theftMorning_theft Raw Newbie

    I think instead of pressing the mature coconut meat into oil, they cream it like a nut butter. It is very smooth.

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