I need some advice, help, tips, incite, etc. I have slowly been trying to go raw for the past month. I went completely raw for about 1 week, but stopped due to bowel issues (not pretty when you are work). Anyways, that was about 3 weeks ago. Then last Sunday after eating pretty much 95% raw foods, I eat a baked green pepper with rice and some sauce. That next morning I was so sick. Like my body was rejecting the food. It felt like I had the stomach flu. Then on Monday and Tuesday I eat all raw, and decided to experiment. On tuesday I eat some sauteed veggies (corn, green pepper, broccoli, etc.) This morning I was sick again with stomach flu like symptoms. Can anyone tell me what’s going on? Is my body rejecting cooked food? Has anyone else experienced this? I have a theory that maybe my body is having to produce my acid to digest these cooked foods, therefore it is making me sick since my digestive system isn’t used to that anyone more.
Please help! Thanks!
I don’t know why this happens, and to be quite honest I haven’t really thought too much into it. But this same thing happens to me! Eating cooked food causes incredibly indigestion and the same flu-like sickness in my stomach. I like this though, as it discourages me from eating anything non-raw. On this same note, I find that after about 2 months of mostly raw I have stopped craving non-raw food. Even when I accept that I am going to have to eat non-raw (at a function or something) I find myself not wanting to! Finally!!
Yes! I hope somebody can tell us why this happens. My boyfriend and I have been eating healthier and healthier over the last year and in every stage of the game this happens. When eating really healthy than something a lot less healthy = sick in the stomach/bloated gassy etc. I have been 100% raw for 2 weeks now (excluding the infamous popcorn incident!) and I find that even though I have suffered some cravings for cooked food that when I see the food it seems so very dry and unappetizing. It will be very interesting to see how I react to cooked food again after this month 100% raw.
This is strange. When I went from 2 months of 95% raw foods… to cooked food (because I craved it), I never got sick. I’m not 95% raw right now… but, the other times I was eating a 90%+ diet, I never got sick going back to cooked food again.
However, I do find eating certain cooked/processed foods unappetizing… because they taste so processed and so not-like food.
Cooked food definitely upsets my System, creating a mental, physical and spiritual imbalance. It’s for my own well-being I stick to raw now, otherwise I feel horribly ill.
i was whole food vegan like 13 years when 27 months ago went raw , well after the first 8 months totally raw and doing several fasts any where from 3 to 20 days i got sick of constantly worrying about eating ’ perfect ’ and revolted by having my old favorite cooked whole vegan meal . and i couldnt believe how numbed / dulled up and sickly like i had the flu i felt . i really thought i had the flu and dismissed it at that . well then say 5 months later i revolted again for a cooked vegan meal and same thing . then several months later tried another cooked vegan meal and same thing . at that point i said thats it , now that my system is used to raw pure cell fuel cooked devitalized slop is like throwing wet logs on a fire = they smolder instead of burning brightly . and my cells are all little fires that burn on the fuel i eat , and raw fuel is like dry fire wood to my cell fires that burn brightly on it . now the lessons been established enough for me to never eat cooked and put all my focus into seeking out the perfect raw foods for my type . and its just a matter of time before raw goes mainstream and the more people involved the more ideas thrown around and the quicker everyone shall find their ideal raw diet .
Yeah that happened to me too. The whole bloated not good feeling. I don’t know why it happens. It’s weird. I ate oatmeal before and right after I felt nausious. It’s strange. I guess our bodies are so clean that it reverts because to how it was when we were little. Our livers are working so well that it won’t let the toxins stay in our bodies so it just puts in back into the blood stream so it can get out of our system.
I mentioned this happening to me back in December when “Cooked food made me ill!!!” Raw food is like Mother’s Milk while Cooked food is like Infant Formula. You can survive on both, but Mother’s Milk is much better for you. It’s rare for an infant to reject Mother’s Milk while it’s common for an infant to reject formula. Raw food heals you so you’re re-born!
Wow. I’m really glad I am not the only one who has experienced this. It is just so weird after eating cooked food for years and years, that when I stop for a short period and try to have one simple cooked meal I easily become violently ill. It is conditioning me to HATE cooked food. Anyways, thanks for all of the support. I will definitely be sticking with the raw foods and begin experimenting with the recipes on this website. I am excited and open minded to all of the new ways of non-cooking! This is just the beginning of my journey!
what about emotional sickness from cooked food? i was going really strong on raw for the past several months and then a day or so ago i really crashed and ate a bunch of boxes of cookies and cooked thai food and more cookies for a couple days… the first day i felt ok but today i’m having an emotional breakdown… feels like an anxiety attack or something…real bad depression, insecurity, overwhelmed, anxiety thats makin me shake, just need an escape or i’m gonna freak out type of feeling. Really horrible… i need a good detox quick i think! i was just feeling SO hungry this past week like i was a missing a nutrient and i couldn’t figure out what, so i ate cooked food and now i’m just gone lol. does anyone else get emotional breakdown because of cooked food?
Kundalalita, I experience emotional sickness from cooked food! It’s almost exactly like what you are describing. Interestingly, it does seem to matter what the cooked food is. Several weeks ago I had a few cooked baby potatoes and I felt wonderful afterward, no detox at all. But a few months ago I was craving black beans, so I had a bowl of beans with a lot of garlic (and I think I had them too close to bedtime) and I felt wretched the next day. When I ate cooked I used to experience this if I ate something heavy too close to bedtime—I would invariably wake up with an anxiety attack. I’ve experienced it to a small degree on raw, but it’s very rare (and it’s usually connected to eating something heavy or garlicky in the late evening). I think this is related to digestion for me. My body just seems to freak out when it has to work on digestion late at night, and it sends me into an emotional tailspin. I’m juice feasting right now and it has been great for this.
My favorite detox aids:
-mustard baths (or epsom salt baths if the anxiety is really bad)
-tons of warm lemon water with cayenne
Hope you start feeling better soon! In my experience, the first morning is the hardest, and then it gets easier.
Yes, it does seem like a struggle to keep eating raw foods and limit cooked foods. I find that we need to set goals. Like, when I was on my juice fast, I did not have cravings for food because I made my mind up that I was not going to eat.
At like my third day of breaking my 30 day fast, I thought that because my stomach had handled fruit, raisins and carrot soup so well, that I could introduce some oatmeal. It was the steamed rolled oats. I had half a cup of oats soaked in water until soft mixed with a couple bananas and a lot of cinnamon and molasses on it. Then after two hours or so, I had another bowl JUST like it. AND, I FELT TERRIBLE THAT NIGHT. Bloated, lots of gas, indigestion. I also hated and still do, the feeling of being full/ stuffed. This happens mainly when I eat cooked food but too much raw food can also be very filling. Well, that night, I was so bloated it was unreal. I woke up in the middle of the night and burped up most of the air that was in my stomach. THERE WAS A LOT OF IT. it is also very hazardous to our health to be so bloated. Furthermore, being full all the time stretches the stomach. I think that I will go on another fast soon but not until I have the money for some nutritional supplements like bee pollen and wheatgrass and such. I need to get to the health food store soon.
Kundalalita, I too experience intense emotional discord and severe depression whenever I eat cooked processed food. That is my chief reason for avoiding it actually because I cannot handle the anxiety and panic that comes. For most of my life I was suicidally depressed without knowing why, and when I started fasting and eating RAW, it lifted and it was like I could breathe and be myself free of darkness for the first time. Now whenever I eat just a little bit of SAD food, the darkness comes back which is why I avoid it like the plague. So I can definitely relate to how you are feeling now.
I’m sure lots of green smoothies and green juice could help you now. Maybe even doing a fast of some type until you feel better and less anxious (that helps me big time).
I guess it was a combination of cooked food all day and chocolate processed cookies (little school boy) at night. Its so interesting how the emotions correlate to the body…During the day my body felt like although it had a big undertaking it could survive, and emotionally i felt low confidence, very irrtable, like i had almost no hope or faith left and sick of life. I felt that ‘darkness’ that moth speaks of but it wasn’t overwhelming…but by the time nighttime came I started freaking out… and thats exactly how i would describe it, an anxiety and panic that i can’t handle and desperate for an escape from. I’m sure my body was telling me just that!
Luckily last night i was able to have some relief, i took some coca leaf tea that was shipped to me from peru. its the only thing i know that takes anxiety away, energizes and relaxes you at the same time, with only beneficial and nutritional effects. On raw food I usually go to sleep not long after the sun goes down, but last night I didn’t sleep till about 2 am. i watched this really touching video called Dying 47-Year-Old Professor Gives Exuberant
To be honest I have no problem eating cooked food. My digestion is so strong from eating healthy that in general it’s no problem. Now if I eat to much over long periods of time—whole nother story. For the most part I have become resilient to all the crap because I take such great care taking in what is healthy. When I make a bad decision, like eating too much of something it doesn’t take long to leave my system. Ifeel so healthy and have been through so much worse a little cooked food doesn’t bother me anymore, I just don’t care to live and eat that way—smiles
Same thing happened to me for the past month! I would eat raw till 4, then at night time when I had a cooked meal with the family, my stomach hurt and I felt nauseous. Weird how that works. I decided to learn about it and saw some stuff about food combining (i.e. acids go with subacids, and raw comes before cooked.) Now I know a little bit more, but there is definitely something else I could learn.
Well I'm glad that it's not only me. I have been mostly raw for about 15 years. It helped me with my CFS. But whenever I eat something cooked - guess what ? I get sick !! Like now - yesterday I had some bean/veggie soup. Very unusual for me, but I just fancied something cooked. But next morning - guess what? Yes you're right - I woke up feeling sick. Was it worth it ? LOL !
Same thing happens to me!
HealthyRoxy, your body is detoxing so when you put the food that your body can't handle back into your diet too soon then you will have symptoms like this.
Do you use oil while cooking? You could be allergic to it. I found a similar discussion:
Oil can be tough on the tummy! I was surprised how sick I felt the first time I had deep fried squash after a few months of eating raw.
You may be allergic to certain foods, so it would be better to have a food intolerance test to find what foods are good for you. I used to have a lot of health problems because I didn't eat well. But now I subscribed to a meal kit delivery. I read comparisons of the best companies in this field. Now I am eatting right, and my health problems are gone.
Same thing!
As for your theory about your body producing more acid to digest cooked foods, it's an interesting idea. Our bodies can adapt to different types of foods, but it's best to consult with a healthcare professional to get a better understanding of what might be going on.
On a separate note, thanks for sharing the link about microwave safety for bamboo plates and safer alternatives! It's important to use our kitchenware safely. If you're interested, you can also check out this link: https://can-you-microwave-this.com/can-you-microwave-bamboo-plates-safer-alternatives/ for more information. Take care and hope you feel better soon!
i am a long-time raw vegan and this has happened to me so many times! Sometimes, I seem to tolerate cooked food fine, and I go about enjoying it for a while, but then I just get sicker and sicker, and I have to go back to being raw, my safe place!
I'm also suffering from severe stomach discomfort, low mood when trying to eat cooked foods. I've been RAW for slightly over one year (to reverse autoimmune disease) and I'm trying to add a small amount of cooked foods but get so, so sick!!!! Would really like to learn how to be able to eat occasional/ small quantities of cooked foods. Any insight is greatly appreciated
Have you tried gently steamed foods? They shouldn't have most of the issues that come along with cooked food.
Often the problem we encounter is not the food, but the food mixing that causes digestive problems. I would give careful thought to the food combining that you are doing. In particular, I would try to simplify the meal as much as possible. The book "Healing with Whole Foods" provides detailed guidelines, but the short of it, is that you ideally only have one main food, like a starch, carb, protein, etc. (just one of these), and then combine this with greens.
- Emmanuel
My raw-vegan-recipes YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCouuRlFKRf-FupFjPgsmIiw