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set your motivation and intention.
I think any of these energy activating practices that people have mentioned like yoga, meditation, stretches, etc is good advice.
But specifically I have to reccommend daily Qi Gong. I don’t know what Tibetan Rites Rejuvenation is, but from its description it sounds similar. It is a chinese energization practice that basically detoxifies your chakras, activates them, balances them and balances the right and left parts of your body too. It is extremely rejuvenating and when you practice daily you don’t age! My chinese doctor in his 60’s looks the same now as he did 15 years ago! He uses the chi for fighting too, i watch students who have also practiced for years get thrown across the room with a light touch.
Kiss husband good morning. Go outside. Sit on the ground. Breathe. Relax. FEEL the sun!!!Look at my beautiful garden. Smell the grass. Enjoy the birds, the butterflies, the hummingbirds drinking from the flowers. Watch the wild rabbits munching my veggies (oh so what? there are plenty) okay,... where was I? Look up at the sky. Realize (again) how small I really am in the universe and say this is “awesome”. At night, go outside. Look at the stars, the moon, watch the fireflies zip and light the night up for me. Say prayers. Kiss husband good night. For me, being GRATEFUL for what I have is a “must do” everyday. Whenever I lose sight of that, things start to get crazy. Let go. keep it simple.
Blessings!!! Ginny aka BunnyGirl
Get rid of attachments to materialistic items you don’t need. While I was in Africa , I realised how ridiculous and superficial my lifestyle had become in the States. I came “home” and immediately chucked out and gave away all of the things I did not need that cluttered my life, my thinking and my world; my makeups, perfumes, clothes I never wore, a million other items. Living as simply and purely as possible without toxic clutter physically, emotionally, and in your home environment is a good start to detoxifying your entire life and cleansing the unnecessary baggage which keeps us stationary and stuck in a rut. It’s a nice feeling to live truly free. I also recommend traveling to the poorer countries of the world rich in culture and wilderness, respect the locals and wildlife and leave no footprints in your wake.
I would add do one creative thing everyday. For me this is either writing or drawing, depending on the humour. It may suck at first but you get better with time and the creative outlet is amazingly empowering and stimulating.
Make your bed.
Make your bed??
LOL! I just caught your post Melanie and I can understand why some may find this it may seem totally unimportant to many. For me, it has become a very simple ritual that has taken symbolic meaning for organization, accountability, responsibility and harmony. It also allows me to think about, plan and visualize my day while accomplishing a menial task. I guess it
spend some time outdoors.
dance (: run around, hug/kiss a loved one. smell a flower. sing.
meditation most definitely :)!
DO A PAINTING! its therapeutic and you feel like you accomplished something. if you don’t want the harsh fumes of oil painting, try water color, or get really zen and do a sand painting.
Think happy thoughts that make me laugh out loud (like watching my mom show me a 70’s dance called “the funky four corners”) H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!
i have to second om’s suggestion to think/be about something other than food. many of the people i have known living the raw food lifestyle (myself included) tend to put a large amount of their energy into “being raw”. it’s understandable, this lifestyle can require some extra effort and planning ahead since it’s different from the way the average person eats. having been raw on and off since 2000, when i have tapered off of being raw the main factor in my decision to start eating cooked foods again is mainly due to feeling like i’ve become too obsessed with food. I love the way i feel when i’m raw, and am doing my best to avoid this pitfall. having a variety of interests, and learning when to lighten up (i.e. being ok with the occasional drink or cooked item in social settings) helps me to feel more balanced.