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exercise and appetite?

elizabethhelizabethh Raw Newbie

Just a question, lately I’ve been exercising more than usual, doing a good 30 min moderate intensity cardio first thing in the morning. I was expecting a boost in appetite because of the increased calorie burn sustained throughout the day, but to my great surprise, I’ve actually been feeling the need to eat less, and have not been as hungry throughout the day. This certainly isn’t a problem, but I was just wondering why this is?


  • I have found that if I run in the morning my appetite goes way down too. I’m not sure why exercise does this.

  • An interesting recent study—well just the part at the end with regards to appetite suppressing hormones. Also, I read someplace else that when you increase your exercise, your body can go through a phase of feeling less hungry but than once it gets used to the exercise, it will want more calories:

    Yes, Exercise Does Make You Hungry by J. Foster Many people believe that engaging in exercise leaves you feeling hungry. Some take it further claiming that you end up eating more – thus negating any calorie deficit from the exercise.

    So what is the truth?

    Researchers in the UK have concluded that exercise does indeed make you hungry – but the overall result will still give you a calorie deficit.

    Researchers took 6 men and 6 women through the following steps.

    Ate the same breakfast. Wait for an hour. One group did 60 minutes of stationary cycling (at 65% max heart rate). The other group did nothing. Wait for an hour. Everyone enjoyed an all-you-can-eat buffet.

    The Results The exercising group consumed 913 Calories at the buffet. The non-exercising group ate 762 Calories. However, during exercise, the first group burned 492 Calories compared to 197 Calories.

    The net result: the exercisers ultimately took in around 144 less Calories.

    Note that during and immediately after exercise volunteers reported they felt less hungry – and the appetite suppressing hormones PYY, GLP-1 and PP were increased.

  • Give it a few more days. I find that excercising does decrease my appetite initially. However, if I don’t eat enough, eventually it really catches up to me and I have this deep, ravenous hunger. Its kind of a delayed reaction. Over the long term, your body will get used to it and things will even out. For me, the problem is when I’m not excercising—if im injured or lazy or something. Then I tend to eat more (and junk) out of boredom or restlessness. So keep up the cardio!

  • With your new exercise routine you are burning more calories, but it’s not just calories that you are burning. When you exercise you use your body sources for energy and recovery. Whether you feel hungry or not it’s a good idea to eat within an hour after your workout. Fruit is an excellent choice.

  • heartshapedskyheartshapedsky Raw Newbie

    i second RawModel’s advice, eating something within an hour after exercise is great for recovery and metabolism.

  • Elizabethh,

    I’ve noticed the same thing, as I’ve been doing more cardio activities lately too. I feel like I’m not as hungry after an intense workout (would of expected the opposite as well). But I’ve noticed that I really need to rehydrate myself first. Then I start to notice that I am in fact hungry.

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